Falling Apart

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Hey guys, since none of y'all want to update my story for me, I'll update, and since my laptop is working I'll update even more for you guys, ight

OK so this is ONLY , probably going to be about Darrin, ROC, Ray, and Yn , but probably more about Darrin

Popo: sit down right here. He said as he released me from my cuffs and sat me down on a chair in a empty room.

Darrin POV: I really, really, really fucked up!! I'm in fucking jail! , ughh!! I could be here for my whole life !, the cop showed up and brought me into a empty room with just me and him, he looked about like the age of 40 or around that...he was cute but not my type, but being around him all alone just feels... Uncomfortable...

Popo: so why did you beat that girl?

I just looked at him, not even bothering to answer

Popo: fine don't answer , that's your choice, just know if your not talking to me, your going have to talk to the judge. He shrugged his shoulder as a boy around the age of me came in the room

The boy looked cute...not even cute....more, then he spoke

Boy: ayye, dad, can I go over to Deshawns house?

Popo: Hell no!, tf you wanna go to Deshawns house for!?

Boy: w.e I'm going

Popo: the hell your not, sit your ass down next to this girl and watch her while I go and fill out some papers next door,. He said as I just rolled my eyes while the boy rolled his eyes and sat next to me as the police officer left the room and closed the door

Boy: so, what's your name?

Me: oh, um, Darrin...

Boy: cute name

Me: thanks.... What's yours?

Boy: Jeremiah . he said as he did hours half smile, that shit was sexy

Me: cool name

Jeremiah: so... Why you here?

Me: I beat this chick up......

Jeremiah: why?

Me: I would tell you...... But it's complicated

Jeremiah: it's ight cutie

Me: cutie?

Jeremiah: yeah, your a cutie. He smiled

Me: *blushing and covering face*

Jeremiah: no need to hide your face girl, I love seeing girls blush. He said removing my hands away from my face as I put my head down and sighed

Me: *sigh*

Jeremiah: what's wrong cutie?

Me: why do all guys say that!?

Jeremiah: say what?

Me: that a girl is cute, you guys make them blush, and there scared to she or then you guys always saying don't hide your face, thou to cute for that. Then bla blah she falls in love with them, he doesnt love her though, so he gets into her mind and talk her into sex, then once they have sex, she gets pregnant, he leaves her and cheats on her , then you leave the girl with the baby taking care of!!! I hate when you guys do that!!

Jeremiah: whoah, whoah, slow down, where are you getting this from, yeah some guys are like that but allot aren't, if anything, a real guy would know that sex does NOT! EVER! Come before Marriage , love does, trust me when I say this..... Not..all..guys..are..players, we don't hit and run, we love, get married, hit and keep, when the time is ready, OK?

Me: how do you know if he's a good guy?

Jeremiah: two ways, 1, he has to live his mama, 2, he NEEDS, to believe in God, and 3, go with your gut

I will always love you{featuring MB}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя