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Blessing Monroe
(Outfit in mm)

"No I haven't heard from him" rolling my eyes as me and the girls sat eating pizza at Chuck E. Cheese's while the kids played.

It had been a little over 4 months since Rakim left and I was now 9 months pregnant and do any day by now.

I was having a boy like I predicted and decided with the name Robin like batman and Robin. When Rakim first left I laid low for a while because after a trip to the hospital I almost miscarried and I don't know what I would do with my self if that happened.

"That's so unlike him i don't know what I would do if Tyson left me with all his bad ass kids" laughing at her own joke so did the other girls as I sat on my side of the table eating wings and being a Debbie downer.

"Okay seriously we haven't got a good laugh out of you in months"
"I just don't find anything funny" shrugging my shoulders I dipped my fry in ketchup then ranch bringing it to my mouth.

"You could always find him and drag his ass like you did Layla I still wish I could've been there and two pieced that hoe" Kenji punched the air bobbing and weaving like she was a pro boxer resulting in Farah popping her in the back of the head.

"She gets that acting violent from y'all two" Mona pointed out as she drunk her smoothie.

"So Ty was lying when he said you slapped that hoe in the Walmart parking lot for looking at him for to long"

"That's different" rolling her eyes I gave her a how look.

"Next subject... Is Junior still having those nightmares?"

When junior came home to see his father not there anymore it took a major toll on him he was having these crazy dreams of both of us being killed and him being left alone.

It was really taking a toll on him he was much more angry he was starting to pee in the bed and was acting out.

"Every night I just make him and Ruby sleep with me now" looking around I saw Ruby playing with Christina and Cleo while Junior played with Cairo and Pharaoh.

"Is his medication not working?" Shaking my head no I went back to my food rubbing my round belly.

"Just pray about it y'all are going to be good"
"Come stay with me and Chris"
"I'm not living with any of y'all you guys have Sex like rabbits my kids will not be around that" they were laughing but I was serious.

Who was I to judge because if Rakim was around I would probably be jumping his bones. I had been so horny lately and porn was not helping.

"Ty has me on punishment something about I've been showing to much skin"

"It's November how are you showing to much skin? It's been freaking freezing"
"Exactly he's just selfish wait until I get home an-"

"And what?" Ty was now standing behind her as she looked over her shoulder surprised.

Micheal and Chris soon came up as well leaving me to myself.

"Baby I was just-"
"Yea yea yea" wrapping his arms around her as she stood up I watched as they kissed mentally rolling my eyes.

Must be nice.

"Hey baby momma how my child" Chris wrapped his arms around my shoulder pulling me into a hug placing a free hand on my belly.

"Nigga das not yo baby move yo bean head out da way" shaking my head as Mike pushed Chris out the way pulling me in to a hug placing a hand on my stomach.

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