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Blessing Monroe

I thought that things like this get better with time but I still need you why is that?

You're the only image on my mind so I still see you around...

The hot bubble bath engulfed my skin as my back rested against his chest.

I was a coward scared to say how I felt because I didn't want to lose him.

All that mouth I had before we had sex went right out the window... For a second I forgot we were even arguing and that for a moment we were separated.

The way he just crept in and made love to me would make you think that I had known this man for years and we were happily married but it was the complete opposite.

I didn't get how could we put each other through so much and just bounce back like it was nothing?

We had so many unanswered questions and unspoken thoughts like...

What happened to Layla and August or the people who tried to kill me?

Where did Rakim go when he left, who was he with, what made him come back?

Beginning to bite on my lip I felt myself growing tense.

Words don't ever seem to come out right but I still mean them why is that?
It hurts my pride to tell you how I feel but I still need to... why is that?

Beyoncés I miss you played softly through out the dimly lit bathroom as I looked out at the view of the city.

The baby monitor sat close by just in case one of them woke up and I needed to go check on them.

Pulling one of my legs up I leaned up a little resting my hands and head on my knee letting out a sigh.

Feeling him play with the ends of my dreads I leaned back against him falling in to his embrace as he wrapped an arm around me pulling me closer to him as he placed several kisses on my forehead.

Turning around in his lap he pulled me in to a small kiss.

"What's on ya mind ma""I missed you""I missed you to beautiful" blushing I laughed lightly as I looked down at the bubbles that surrounded us

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"What's on ya mind ma"
"I missed you"
"I missed you to beautiful" blushing I laughed lightly as I looked down at the bubbles that surrounded us.

"We can't keep doing this though"
"Doin' what?"
"Running from our problems and from each other" pinching my nose with his fingers I swatted his hand away.

"I'm serious Rakim"
"I hear you ma" trying to pinch my nose again I sucked my teeth pushing his hand away. "I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you I'm tired of us running away from each other and our problems we have 3 kids I can't keep telling them we're on vacation I'm tired of crying over dumb stuff"

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