Fuck you!! NO, Fuck You!..Wanna fuck? (FuyuhikoxAggressive Tsudere!ReaderxPeko)

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[Myuu: Warning. This will contain heavy swearing, intense word choice, yuri and savagery.
Monokuma: this will be so sweet. Where's my camera?!
Myuu: will i not get laid?
Momokuma: No! Die a virgin!!
Myuu: cruel!!! This story was requested by komaedaswife enjoy.]

Standing on the beach everyone was either blushing or uncomfortable. "This is bullshit! Why do i have to have sex with these lame ass fuckers?!" [Y/N] shouts out clicking her tounge. "What the fuck did you say, bitch? I know you are not referring to me" Fuyuhiko balled his fists stomping up to her. He was neck and neck to her breasts glaring up at her in her [E/c] eyes with his gold ones. "You heard me oompaa loompaa!". Monokuma was munching on popcorn "this is better then House Wives of Atlanta. Pull her hair out!!". The gangster's eye twitched and grabbed a hold of her collar, pulling her down to his level "i double, no, fucking triple dog dare you TO SAY THAT SHIT AGAIN!!!" clenching his teeth, as you opened your mouth "Lame. Ass. Fuckboy. Oompa. Loompa. Fuck-...!!" was cut off with a back hand slap, your eyes went wide like a deer in headlights. "Y-you...". [Y/N] got angry and threw a fist square into the Yakuza's jaw, and before you could finish, Hajime cut them off. "Stop it!! If this goes on all of us will die!!" Monokuma groans "why do you always gotta ruin the fucking fun No Talent!!?". Fuyuhiko scoffed walking away.

Rubbing his jaw, she smirked "the bitch got some good punches I'll give her that..." licking then blood off his lip, he felt his dick throbbing in his pants along with his heart pumping from the intense adrenaline."Fuck....that was kinda hot...".

"Who does that fuck boy think he is? Bitch slapping me like I'm one of his hoes?!....". She looked in the mirror at her face, it wasn't swollen or anything, he didn't hit her hard like she thought he did...it was just a pity slap. Biting her lip as his eyes bore into her mind like fire. "Fuck...I'm dripping wet like a faucet...", smirking, she went to go change into something comfortable before dinner.

At Dinner~

You walked in the hotel to go to dinner, then stopped hearing a voice. "Well, well, fucking well... If it isn't my "bitch", have you come to apologize to your Daddy?". Your mouth dropped open hearing that, but then smirked turning around. "Oh really? I was thinking you were MY bitch because of how short you are and how cute you look, and i would be your daddy". "Cute? Who's fucking cute? Are you tryin' to say somethin'?". Turning red, you caught yourself after the word 'cute'. "I-i didn't say you were cute. Who would think you were cute....f-fuck you Baka!!", you stomp upstairs flustered.

"Mas-...Fuyuhiko....are you sure you don't want me to kill her? She did put her hands on you...". Peko was gripping onto her sword with dear life. The short gangster shook his head "nah. She's just playing hard to fucking get...", licking the scar on his lip to remind him what he's up against. "She'll get what she deserves soon enough..." and heads upstairs.

[Y/N] sat at a table and started eating, Teru-Teru's famous Linguine. Fuyuhiko sat across from her and glares at her with an evil smirk on his face. "No one invited you to my table...", "no invitations needed when the Boss man enters the room". You snicker, "man? Where? I don't see one, you mean boy, right?". "Oh, ha ha, funny, but you'll be begging me to fuck you, your Tsundere fit isn't gonna fucking stop me...". He scoots next to her, you were about to scoot away but peko blocked the other seat.

"You fucking ganging up on me now??" you say looking from the short gangster to the sword master. "Just shut the fuck up and eat..." he took a bite out of his food, you watched him do so. Watching the sauce drip from the fork to his lips. 'Man...i just want to lick it right off....WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING?!' Shaking your head from the thought, you continued to eat, until you felt hands rubbing against your panties from under your [F/c] skirt. "Ngh!" covering your mouth, you look and see Fuyuhiko rubbing hard under the table but completely unfazed and still eating above it.

Fuck Eachother Or Fucking Die!!(Reader One-shot Lemons)Where stories live. Discover now