Wrong Summoning Spell (Gundam x Kitsune!Reader)

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[Momokuma: Oh my god , tanaka? This should be good
Myuu: everyone loves him, he's awesome!
Monokuma: Oh , i know that. Sometimes i have wet dreams about him 
Myuu: Wait....what?...
Myuu: this story was requested by dat-crazy-fangirl enjoy ]

It was days after the announcement from Momokuma. And everyone was looking for a partner. [Y/N] was looking for Gundam, you thought he was really cool and cute. As you went to his cabin, you saw Sonia walking up to it. You knew Sonia had a thing for Gundam but you couldn't let her have him, you ran up to her. "Hey miss Sonia! What's up?", turning your way she smiles "oh i just wanted to see if Gundam want to...you know...hook it up with me?". Her flustered face pissed you off inside but you smiled friendly. "Oh yeah? Well i think he went to the store to get pet food? Check there." , "oh i see! Thank you so  much!" she took your hands in hers and smiled brightly, she ran off waving as you do so to. "Sorry...but i want him for myself..." you said and walk inside after knocking "Gundam?". It was dark, but a purple light shined in the back. "I hence forth the demons of the Nether realm, come to me, i command thee!" Gundam chants in a summoning circle. You walked inside "Gundam?". He looks up in surprise "you fool! If you step in my lair during summoning..." before he could finish, you were struck by multiple bolts of purple lightning and passes out.

"Hum....human....hey human!" you hear. You open your eyes slowly to see Tanaka holding you in his arms with a cold wet towel in his hand, "Gundam...", seeing you were Ok he sighed, then raised his voice "how foolish you are, entering my domains with out permission, and then interrupting my chanting, are you mad?!". You sat up and rubbed our head "I'm sorry...yip...??" looking confused, he blankly stares at you "...yip? What nonsense are you spilling, mortal?". Then you felt yourself changing. Glowing a light shade of purple, ears grew from your head, and a big fluffy tail comes from under your skirt. Gundam backed away "w-what blasphemy is this ?! M-mortal, you transformed into a Fox demon!!", your ear stood up in alert "w-what?!!!" touching your ears, then your tail, and you started to panic. "C-calm yourself! I'm positive that the spell may wear off of you temporarily...er", sweating a bit, he looked at you nervously, like his statement was a full blown lie.

Wagging your tail from side to side "this is insane, yip! I'm so fluffy!!" running around in circles chasing your tail, Gundam raised his scarf over his face blushing. You blushed feeling embarrassed of your actions and perked your ears down, "s-sorry yip...". Then you felt a gentle hand petting your ears "all is forgiven. But i see you will be stuck in this predicament for many suns and moons until i find the right spell to undo this tragedy ". Wagging your tail to his soft touch, you rub your cheek into his bandage covered hand. "Now i see why animals love you, yip, you have magic hands". Tanaka laughed heartily, "at least someone recognizes my true power thanks to the Evil Eye, or better yet, the Hell Hound Earring! Come, my Four Dark Devas of Destruction, it's time for your bath". Smiling gentle then you have ever seen, he holds them in his palms with a tint of pink in his cheek and goes to the sink to bathe them. You blushed as well with your heart racing, never had you seen a warm side to the Demon Lord of Ice before. And you want to see more.

Walking to where he was, you watch him scrub the hamster with a small brush. They smile happily from the treatment, twitching their ears and rubbing their faces with their tiny hands. You wagged your tail happily seeing them have fun. "I can sense you presence fox demon, do not lurk around my dark fortress of solitude.." he says not taking his eyes off his hamster. "S-sorry..." you walked up behind him "can i help,yip?" you ask twitching your ears. Tanaka  saw the action and blushed, "well...i suppose it wouldn't kill me if you did...you dry them off, condition their fur and then brush their fur twenty times on both sides in that exact order, am i clear?", nodding you took Jum-P and dried him off as tender as you could, conditioned his fur and starts brushing. Jum-P smiles enjoying his brush and rubbed his face again "you really love your Devas of Destruction huh? Because them love you..yip...i can tell", you looked at Gundam who was now full blow red in the face. He cleared his throat and continued his duty, you giggled and did so too.

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