Chapter 4

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"OK GUYS WE'RE GONNA STOP HERE AND GET ON THE PLANE" I awoke with a slight jump as my teacher shouted down the bus. I looked outside and admired the sunrise peeking out behind the trees and started thinking about a dream I just had. My memory of it was extremely unclear apart from seeing a pair of eyes that twinkled almost like the stars were trying to escape. I shook it off as I left the bus and grabbed my luggage, I could almost feel freedom in the air.

After a long wait we finally settled down on the plane and I kept thinking about those eyes I saw on this person they were the only things I could remember but even that image started to fade.

Time skip to the airport because idk about planes

Eventually all the hassle from the journey was gone and we got onto another bus, again I made my way to the back and sat down only this time I saw a tall slim girl looking at me, smiling.
"Um hi?" I said with a little break in my voice. "Hey can I sit here?" The grey eyed girl asked, I smiled "sure thing, what's your name?" I asked as she took a seat "oh it's Alexa but you can call me Lexi, aren't you Ruby?" She asked with confidence, I took my cap off "yeah that's me hey Lexi" she took hers off too "what are your plans on the exchange then Ruby?" She asked settling down "well.." And that's when I told her everything.

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