Chapter 6

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I awoke to Marie opening the curtains near my bed "good morning" she smiled, her French accent clear as day. I threw a smile back and stretched "Mornin' Marie".

We got ready quickly and within half an hour we had left the house to get some breakfast before school. We reached a small corner café with plants framing the outside and a little sign swinging from the door. Marie gave a nod and a small smile indicating to follow her inside, I walk inside and I was greeted by the sudden warm smell of coffee and cinnamon. "Sit. I'll get" she smiled pointing at the food so it was clear to me what she was saying.

I walk over to a couple of small wooden chairs by the window with a low coffee table placed in between them. I take off my backpack and threw it under the chair before sitting down and spacing out into my own mind.

I saw those eyes again
If you look close you can't tell what colour they are
It's an array of colours
Almost like a rainbow
I can't seem to focus on the image enough in my head
All I know is that they're perfect

"Hello??" A confused Marie waved her hand in front of my face. "Sorry I just zoned out for a second" I said laughing. She didn't understand my sentence that much but seemed to get the general gist.
After finishing our breakfast Marie looked at her watch and the smile on her face soon faded as she mumbled something before standing up quickly. "Go" she said. I got up and followed her out the café before looking at the time "shit".

We ran for what seemed like forever and eventually we reached the school and spotted our classmates and teachers. We go over before putting our hands on our knees completely out of breath and high fived with a breathless laugh as we both got a glare from our teachers.

Today was the day I built up some confidence, I have friends here, I have support. I don't want to focus on love, I wanna focus on having a fun trip with new people.

The daytrip was to Paris and was filled with giggles, amazing views, food and bad translations. Lexi, Marie and I discovered this amazing icecream place with fun flavours like cookie dough, banoffee pie flavour and all sorts! Marie dived into rocky road, Lexi was stuck between bubblegum and fudge and I had marshmallow and chocolate.

Afterwards we met up with our group, the teachers questioned if we had gone for icecream, confused, we looked at eachother and realised the strange colours on our faces and clothes.

The bus journey home sucked after eating so much I felt sick but Marie helped me along with it. She explained that tomorrow she wanted me to meet her friends in the park near to her house and afterwards her mum was going to walk us to spend time with some of her family at her cousins house.

I looked down slightly at the thought of all these new people and hoping I wouldn't give a bad first impression to her friends and family ~ as I was standing there lost in thought with my head down, Marie put her pointer finger under my chin and lifted my head straight up so she was looking down seriously into my anxious eyes. I felt myself blush slightly at the sudden touch as she said "you are great. My parents like you. I like you. Everyone will love you. Oui?"  I look back down and smile before wrapping my arms around her slim figure tightly "I'm learning Marie, I'm finally learning to love" I step back after a while and look at her smiling, her eyes are glazed over like a misty morning and she finally replies with "thankyou".

We spent the rest of our evening in the fields that surrounded Marie's family farm house, looking at the colours in the sky and falling into grass way taller than us, we would pick red poppies and make them into accessories before picking a bunch to give to her mum, my life is getting more and more bright, the different shades of pinks, lilacs and peaches that grace the sky and light up the path back home. This is what I call living.

We called it a day, I'm wrapped in blankets dialling my grandparents number. It rings. I wait. Tense. I have to talk to Eric. I need to make sure he's not hurt. It goes straight to answer phone. I can feel nervous sweat around my hairline. I try again, still, nobody answers. All the things that could've happened to him. I need to know if he's ok, I begin to shake and sob incase the worst has happened.

There's a knock at my door. I gasp a little and wipe my eyes. Marie opens it up slightly "are you ok Ruby?" She looks down at my phone screen and her worried expression calms down into a gentle look. She switches the light on and leaves for a couple of seconds before sitting down next to me with her home phone "call Eric every night on this" she smiles brightly as she places it in my hand. "Marie it's so expensi-" "no" is all she replies "for Eric" I look at her in slight shock "merci beaucoup" I smile. She giggles "durien. Goodnight Ruby".

The phone rings. Pick up please. The dial tone sends shivers down my spine until there's a familiar noise coming from the phone "Ruby" a little boys voice screeched "Eric!! Hey kid are you alright?! I've missed you so much! How are they treating you?" The words flooded out like a waterfall "I'm good!! Grandma said I could make a cake today and I put lots of blue icing on it!" His cheerful tone gave me a massive sigh of relief. I lay down in bed listening to his story about today with a grin. "You've had a lovely day then! Hopefully this week will bring a lot of joy for you! It's getting late though. You need to sleep now Eric ok?" He agreed to it without hesitation. "Goodnight kiddo" "nunight Ruby!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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