Prologue: Hello I'm Sandra Lee.

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Hello. My name is Sandra Lee. I am your normal---okay fine, maybe weird--- teenager. I'm 17 and am a college student. I'm don't live in America or any country with a middle school. Yes, I'm a few years luckier than most of you, because I did not have to suffer that long. School is one of the most ironic places where you'd meet the best persons and the worst persons ever possible. Well, at least in the eyes of a college student who's not yet entered the world of adults. No work, no car, no bills to deal with.

Asians are often stereotyped as smart kids, probably with glasses. In my case, the only thing you're right about is the glasses part. In my case, I've been wearing glasses since third year high school, that's 9th grade to you. I guess. I'm not smart, but I do love my education. My favorite subject is Math and Science. I love Math, alot. Memorization is just not my thing, and well pretty much every other non-math subject requires MEMORIZATION. You could just guess how much I hate History and Biology. Chemistry is so-so, Physics is okay, but BIOLOGY? Worst. Nightmare. Ever.

You got me distracted. Back to the topic. School is an interesting place. I'm not a people person, if you know what I mean. I'm fine with eavesdropping and watching people mess up or party. I'm an introvert, a weird kid with a book. People probably get bored with me because I'm oblivious to pop stuff like the most recent movies, songs, or the lastest rumors in school. I'm glad that God gave me few but really, really awesome friends.

Distracted again. So, yeah. School. School is our world, I mean, we spend a great deal of time there, and even though we're at home, those cursed things called "Homeworks" or "Reports" have us occupied until after midnight. I admit that my body clock is weird, like it resides in the west.

I do love books, and I've read a lot about being the new kid, meeting new neighbors and stuff. That's because they moved. Probably because their parents found a new job or something. I've never moved.... Okay I lied. I moved twice and moved back to where I forever live.

I moved twice, that isn't too harsh, don't you think?

Think again.

Before I ever entered this "Awesome University" filled with the coolest nerds ---Okay, I know coolest and nerd don't work together, as nerds are steriotyped as ugly and totally awkward, I want to point out that in my university, there people who do fashion, music, volunteering like that was totally related to their major but no. I know a biochemistry major who do fashion designs while taking notes.--- I had suffered a great deal of "getting-used-to-it". 

I had been the "New Student" six times. I've studied in 8 different schools.

No, my math isn't wrong and I do KNOW how to count. I just don't count first grade and first year high school everyone no one's a transferee or anything. 

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