Chapter Five: Fourth School,an Alien Encounter and Monsters

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It was a big shiny silver saucer. That's how I knew she was an alien.

Chapter Five

Oh come on! There are no aliens in my story, I mean is this a sci-fi? It's just my lame school adventure-drama. But yeah, there really was an "Alien Encounter", but not your sci-fi type. My fourth school was the worst of all schools, filled with pseudo-students who are actually monsters at heart. And that school, again was named after one of Jesus' apostles. How ironic.

It was a small school, a single building that was 4 storey high. It was made of wood and cement, the stairs creaked just like in horror movies. It was dark inside. The first floor was its assembly area and had the grade one and two rooms, second floor had the office, canteen, computer room, third floor had grades 3, 4, 5, fourth floor had high school, one section per year and a small closet where my class stayed.

And it was a private school. 

How ironic and unexpected don't you think?

Well, when I enrolled the school priest or pastor --whatever he was-- treated me so kindly. He said it was going to be fun in that school. 

My first day in school was okay. There was only 11 people in my class, I was the 12th. We spent our class in the computer room. Sixth grade had no classroom. They didn't think 11 people needed a classroom. Other grade levels had at least 20 students, obviously, it's them who needs permanent rooms.

Everyone wore casual clothes on the first day, I wasn't alone.

Almost everyone tried to talk to me.

"Heey. What school are you from?"

"Hey, I'm Kelly. What's your name?"

"Wow, your drawings are cute!"

I would just give them a weak reply, and a smile.

They were rich kids. Half breeds. They bragged their colorful, slide phones at me. The guys brought their game thingies.

I was oblivious to those because my mom hated anything unnecessary. Who needs the latest phone model if all you really need is just a phone that sends a message? Mom hated any sort of game console, saying that playing those would make you dumb. Dad bought me those, mom never let me try them. Until now, they are untouched. My cousins have those things, and when I visit them, they let me try, Amazingly, I manage to win. After that, my hands would be shaking from holding the controller.

Anyway, back to my worst nightmare.

My classmates sure were friendly. They even asked me to join them during lunch. They told me a bit about them, asked me to share my story. That. Was. The. First. Week.

The following weeks were the exact opposite. Class officially started. There were homeworks, quizzes, graded recitations. 

In math class, our teacher reviewed us on addition, recalled the properties.

My 17 year old classmate kept protesting in his seat.

"But Miss De Luna, how can this be? Why is it that when I add a lot of zeroes, nothing happens? If I add zero to 15, it should be 16 right?"

I understood why he was 17 and still in sixth grade.

Miss De Luna explained that zero meant nothing and his argument was brainless.

The next meeting, she told us to bring calculators. 

We had a quiz in simple addition and subtraction. I was the only one without calculator. She gave us an HOUR to do a 10 item quiz. And everyone else had calculators. What on earth is wrong with these people?! Nothing made sense.

The next day, the results were released. Their top student and I got a perfect score. Half of the guys failed. One girl even got a zero. Seriously?! 

In science class, the teacher allowed us to open our textbooks. She asked us questions that was written in the textbooks. Since no one raised their hands, I raised mine.

During science class, I was the only one who existed. The class belonged to my teacher and I, while the rest of those kids gapped like fishes.

As soon as the teachers left, my classmates would pass by my seat and look down on me. The 17 year old guy would always pass by and stop infront of me.

"This person. Is a weirdo. An alien. Don't talk to her okay?" He smirked and his minions nodded.

I spent every single break alone. The canteen personnel were my only friends. Everytime I went home, I cried.

PhysEd was unbearable. I had to pair up with one of my classmates, the one  who got a zero in the math quiz WITH a calculator. She would smile dumbly and help me with whatever. But she was also a monster.

During the third week, the school administrators decided to transfer sixth grade to the closet room on the fourth floor. It was formerly the janitor's place. Thousands worth of tuition for crap facilities. It was definitely the worst school I've ever been in.

One day, in homeroom, my adviser told us about the fieldtrip. He said we were going to climb a mountain. The class was quiet and smiling. A few of the jerks occasionally would butt in and laugh.

"I'll update you guys when the location's finalized. So, how's your classes so far? Who do you think will be the top student of our class?"

"Elisaaaa!" They chorused.

"...and the most behaved?"

"Sandraaaaaa." They chirped.

"But sir! She is a fake! She pretends to be behaved to teachers, but after ever class, she's soooo noisy!" The 17 year old dude protested.

"Yeah! She's mean too!" My idiotic PhysEd partner added, revealing her inner monster self.

The rest of the class agreed.

Before I knew it, tears were rushing out of my eyes, blurring my eye sight.


I cried some more.

My adviser showed no support.

That afternoon I cried a river. I told my mom that my classmates were heartless monsters, not to mention idiots. The teachers were dumb and heartless as well. No one was sane in that class.

"MOM! I can't do this anymore! Every single day they ALIENATE me!"

The next day, we talked to the administrator, the school pastor.

"They used calculator in math class!"

"What? Hold on. I'll ask them"

After 10 minutes he returned, a completely different person. A monster.

"Hahaha. You little liar. They didn't use a calculator. I asked them myself!" He smirked.

What an idiot. Did he think those monsters would say the truth? Injustice. It was hopeless. My chest tightened and I cried.

"I'm not lying! Ask the teacher! She asked us to bring a calculator! I'm not lying! I'm not a liar!"

"They said they didn't. They're my students. They're saying the truth."

Whatever loser. And you call yourself a servant of God? Who do you serve?! 

I was sooo mad. My mom calmly requested for all my papers and a full refund. They did just that.

And so the next day was one of my happiest day.

I didn't have to go to a school full of monsters.

Nobody would make me cry. Anymore.

Author's notes: Yes, I experienced all that crap. They were the worst people I've ever met. If they become famous one day, it'll be PAYBACK TIME. I would tell the WHOLE COUNTRY all their CRUELTY and STUPIDITY. Using calculator in MATH?! SERIOUSLY?! I was never bullied physically, but if I was emotionally weak, I could have done suicide.  End of rant. Thanks for reading on. Sorry for making you feel sorry for me, or mad at those freaks.

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