Chapter 14

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Camila was slammed into the lockers by her collar. "I've got a bone to pick with you Cabello." Somehow, Normani managed to force herself to eat a whole apple this morning. But only because she needed strength to do this. If there was one thing she prided herself on, besides dancing, it was standing up for her friends. On this occasion, Lauren. Although she had to admit adrenaline was an additional factor right now. Plus Camila was slim anyway. She was lucky on that front. "Ow! Jesus Mani what the fuck?" Camila struggled. Normani scowled at Camila for a second as she thought. As much as she hated what she did, there were risks of fighting in the hallway, for her mainly. "Ugh. Get in here." Camila was quickly dragged into a nearby classroom no one used. Normani pushed the Cuban girl inside and took a deep breath. "You were a real piece of shit yesterday, you know that?!" "What did I do to you?" Camila exclaimed in defence. "No not to me! Lauren!" "Where is she?" Normani was waiting long enough for that question. "Home, crying." Camila couldn't disguise herself rolling her eyes. "Told her she was pathetic." Normani scoffed. "You really don't care, do you? Lauren is really hurt you know? Like, seriously hurt. You fucked up bad Camila." "How so?" Normani had to wonder if this was a good idea. Camila's relationship with Austin was causing her to be spiteful, and if it got out what Lauren had done then it wouldn't be good. Especially since she would blame it on her and then God knows what would happen. She couldn't lose Lauren. She would have nothing left. "She's not pathetic, or a whore. But you made her think she is so bad she cut it into her body!" Too late. Her anger had a bad habit of getting the best of her. Camila's features softened as if she really felt bad but quickly recovered herself and scoffed. "No way. You're lying." "What, you really need proof to believe me? How long have we been friends? How long have we all been friends?" "Lauren told me to break up with Austin-" "Not explicitly, not in those exact words. All she was trying to do was be a good friend, to you and to me." "Well what's the matter with you?" Camila sat on the table, since she obviously wasn't going anywhere. "Like I'd dare tell you. What the fuck happened to you? This person isn't my friend." "Austin is all I need." "Wow." Normani scoffed. "So what, even though you know Lauren and I are suffering, you still choose a dumb high school crush over your two best friends for like 5 years." Camila crossed her arms. "You don't know him like I do." "No Mila, you don't know him. I swear it's like you live, breathe, talk and think Austin fucking Mahone. You don't see him like everyone else does. It's mad! He's a jerk and he cheats on his girlfriends and the second you break up he'll act like he didn't even know you." "You don't know anything." "You know what," Normani stormed over to her and sighed. "I'm gonna show you what a good friend is. Lauren and I both will." Probably.. maybe. It depends. "When you and Austin break up, watch you run over to find us in your heartbroken state, and watch us comfort you like the dumbasses we are. Because no one should have to put up with your shit, and right now. I'm not going to." Camila stared up at Normani so intently that Normani thought she may have gotten through to her. Did that actually work? "Whatever." Nope. Normani watched Camila walk outside of the room, and then before she knew it, she saw black. Normani woke up in the nurses office, with a cold flannel on her head that wasn't so cold anymore. So she wondered how long she was out. "Oh good, you're awake. You'll have to go home and rest up. Some students found you and took you here." Thank God I wore baggy clothes today. "Your mother has been informed you're here and to pick you up." "Is she coming?" The nurse shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. She said she was stuck at work." She doesn't work. "When did you call her?" "About an hour ago." Jesus, how long was I out? "Uh. It's fine, I'll make my own way." Normani mumbled, getting off the bed, holding her head as she got a dizzy spell. "Someone should really come for you. Is there anyone else I can call for you?" Lauren's taking the day off, would she get in trouble? "Lauren Jauregui is off sick today, but she might be able to get me? Will she get in trouble?" "No honey. I'll make sure it doesn't get out. Give her a call." Normani breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the phone. "Mani? What's wrong?" "I passed out, my mom isn't coming. Will you come for me? I'm not allowed to go home by myself." "Yeah, I'll be there soon." "Okay, thanks." "No worries." Lauren said reassuringly. Oh worries. Many worries. Approximately 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door and Lauren came in. Normani assessed her appearance, she looked tired. "Come on Mani, let's go. Thanks Nurse Jackson." Lauren smiled as the girl slowly got up. "No problem, how are you feeling? Normani said you were off sick." "A little better, thanks." "Rest easy both of you." "Will do." Normani said. Lauren wrapped an arm around her friend's waist helping her walk out the school. "So you passed out huh?" Lauren said nervously. "Yes but I'm fine, it was probably stress." "Why?" "I had an argument with Camila." "Not you too." Lauren sighed tiredly. "Why? What happened?" Normani hesitated at first. If you tell her the truth she'll hate you forever. I can't keep secrets from her like that. Well if something does happen it'll be your fault. Normani swallowed thickly and looked at the ground. "You have to promise now not to get mad at me." Lauren eyed her worriedly and made them stop walking. "Why would I be mad?" She asked suspiciously. "ItoldMilawhatyoudidyesterday!" She said too fast for comprehension. "Woah slow down, say it again." Lauren said. "I wanted Mila to know the damage she caused, I wanted to protect you-" "Just tell me what you did Normani." Lauren said desperately. Oooooh, full name. She's gonna kill you. "Shut up." She said to herself. "Come on tell me." "I told Mila you cut what she said to you into your body. She thinks I was lying to her but-" "Maniiii!" Lauren drew out in disbelief. "I'm sorry.." Normani said on the verge of tears. The look on her best friend's face made her regret her decisions that morning. Minus the time she was unconscious. "Let her believe that. No one knew anything before you, and it's got to stay that way. If my parents find out then God knows what'll happen." She's so mad at youuuu. Normani's eyes filled with tears. "I just wanted to help, I didn't want her to hurt you anymore." Lauren took a deep breath and rubbed at her temples. "I'll talk to her." "You can't." Normani said with a sigh. "Why not? Tell me it's not any worse." "She's given up on us, she thinks all she needs is Austin." "I guess that's nothing new. Just let her think it's bullshit." "Yeah I would but then if I do that makes me look bad, like I'm a liar!" Normani shouted. Lauren threw her her head back snd exhaled slowly. "This is such a mess." "I'm sorry I caused it. I honestly just wanted to make her see what she was doing. So she would come to her senses and apologise to you and finally be there for you like a good friend can be. I can't do that for you obviously. I knew you'd be mad. You must want to kill me right now. I certainly would if it were me with..this." Lauren looked over at Normani and sighed. "I'd never do that to you." "But I did it to you." Normani mumbled. "Not on purpose." Lauren relented, walking back over to the girl who looked about on the verge of tears. "I am mad, yes. But you didn't cause it necessarily. Camila said that stuff, and I'm the one who, you know, if anyone's to blame then it's my fault." "I'm sorry Lauren." "I know you are, come here." Normani wrapped her arms around the girl relieved and let a breath out into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry." She repeated shakily. "It's okay, I promise. I'm honestly more worried about the fact you passed out." As if on cue, Normani's stomach gave her a shooting pain. "Are you alright?" "Mm." She struggled to speak from the pain. "Hunger pang?" Normani nodded, doubled over in pain. "Can I get you something small?" Normani shook her head. "Please Mani..just a yoghurt?" Normani looked up sadly and reluctantly nodded. She didn't want it, she really didn't want it, but she owed Lauren.

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