Chapter 27

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Normani woke up to the light shining in from her window, obviously she'd forgotten to close the curtains yesterday. She rolled over and got her phone to check the time, which read 6:37. It was way too early. Normani huffed and sat up, well she was awake now, so what could she do? Exercise. A familiar voice from within her whispered. "No fucking way, everything hurts." But don't you want to be thin? "Of course I do." So then get out of bed and go to the gym. "It's not even open yet." Then go for a run! Normani groaned tiredly and fell back into her pillow. "No. Not right now at least." Fine, have a hot bath first to soak your muscles and ease them up. "Fair enough." Normani sighed to herself, hauling herself out of bed and going to her en suite bathroom, running a bath for herself. She looked through the cupboard for the muscle soaking solution and smiled when she found it, generously pouring the blue liquid into the hot running water. She watched the water fill the bathtub and jumped when her phone chimed signalling she had a text.

Mila🍌: wanna grab a coffee later?
Normani: too busy, maybe ask lauren.
Mila🍌: but i want to get it with you, pleeeaaaseee??
Normani: i said no camila, not today.
Mila🍌: fine.

Normani sighed, it was only 7:20am and she'd already made someone mad. You're so useless. Normani rubbed her temples tiredly. "Would you give it a fucking rest for once?" She hissed. You wish. But you know you need me. It's true and you know it. Normani tried to ignore the voice in the back of her head whining away as she turned off the tap and stripped down. She didn't look in the mirror anymore. The scalding water submerged her and Normani sank down with her eyes closed, trying to relax in the quiet environment. It didn't last long though. Do you ever wonder what it would be like to die? Normani's eyes snapped open. Where did this come from? Well, the water's right here. If you sunk down that little bit deeper.. Normani took a deep breath and sat up. "What the hell??" Oh come on, don't act like you've never thought about it. I know you have. It wasn't wrong, she had contemplated death as an option once or twice. She wanted to be skinny, and she would happily die trying. Oh, go on. Try it. You don't have to stay down, just have a feel of what it would be like. I dare you. The magic words. Normani didn't even think about it when she sunk herself a little deeper down, and then a little more, and a little more, and a little more, until she was fully underwater. But then as if it was known something was wrong, Normani's phone rang. Normani groaned and emerged from the water, clicking on the green answer button. "What?" Normani snapped. This better be fucking good. "Hi Normani." "D-Dinah?" "Yeah, yeah it's me. Listen," Dinah took a deep breath in. "I need to talk to you-" "Wh-Are you kidding me? It's been fucking months Dinah and now you want to talk to me?" "Please, it's important." Normani sighed and rubbed at her forehead. Dinah was hella lucky she was pretty and that she had a soft spot for her. "Fine." "Really?" Dinah exclaimed, obviously surprised at her agreeing. "Meet me in the park at 9 o'clock." "You'll let me see you?" "Unless you've gone blind." Dinah giggled at the small joke. "Don't make me regret this Dinah Jane." "You won't regret it, promise. See you in a bit." Normani was the one who hung up the call. Well this would be interesting. Now we were faced with a dilemma. Normani needed to put on some makeup to see Dinah..but for that she would have to look in a mirror. You can go on a run on the way there, you'd only sweat it off anyway. She's seen your ugly mug before. "I guess." She sighed as she went to the door. "Who are you talking to Normani?" "What?" Normani turned to her father who she hadn't realised was sat in the armchair. "Who were you talking to?" "Oh uh, Dinah, on the..on the phone-sorry Dad I gotta go." Normani replied distractedly. "Okay. See you later." He said, flapping his newspaper and reading it again. "Yeah bye." Normani said as she left the house. Nice save. "Shut up." She scoffed as she started her run to the park, she'd have to go the long way around. She had time, 47 minutes in fact. At 5 minutes left she decided to make her way to the bench where Dinah said she would meet her. Dinah looked up and stood up quickly when she saw Normani approach her. "Hi." Normani huffed out, finally coming to a stop. "Normani, oh my god you're so thin." Normani smiled at the ground slightly. See? It's starting to show! "Thanks." Dinah frowned at the girl in confusion. "No but like, unhealthy thin." "Why are we here Dinah?" Normani asked, changing the subject. "Oh, right. I know I've been a really shitty friend to you..but that's just it." "Okay, I'm a little lost." Normani laughed nervously, meeting the Polynesian's eyes. "I don't.." Dinah sighed. "I don't..want to be friends." "Oh." Normani mumbled, shifting her gaze to the floor before Dinah took her hands. "I want to be more." Normani bit down on her bottom lip. How could someone like her? "I like you Normani, a lot." "You do?" Dinah smiled widely. "Yeah, I do." Normani licked her lips and hesitantly pressed them to Dinah's. Dinah kissed back and slowly snaked her arms around Normani's waist. If Normani needed anything it was a distraction. "So, what does this make us?" Dinah asked with a blush on her cheeks. "Uhm..whatever you want us to be." Normani shrugged. "Girlfriends?" Dinah asked hopefully, a squeak in her voice. "Uh.." Normani started. "Normani Kordei," "Dinah Jane Hansen," "will you be my girlfriend?" You can probably use this. "Fine, yes I will." Dinah squealed happily and pulled the girl into a tight hug. "Yay!" "As much as I love hugs, I think it's traditional to kiss when you make it official." Normani quipped. "Yeah yeah come here, I was getting to that." Dinah chuckled, tilting her chin up with her finger and connecting their lips. "Happy?" "Mm." "You wanna hang out?" No, you can't. You need to exercise now, remember? Normani took a deep breath and met her now girlfriend's hopeful eyes. "Sure, I'd love to." Okay, fine, but you just watch yourself get fatter. I have to make this thing believable. "Are you okay?" Dinah asked worriedly. "You look a little out of it." "I'm fine." Normani brushed it off quickly, linking their hands. "C'mon, I want a soda and they're giving them out free over there." Bad ideaaaaaa. "Shut your mooouuth." Normani replied under her breath through gritted teeth. "What was that?" Dinah asked. "Nothing babe." Normani smiled reassuringly. Dinah was so happy, it was such a good day. "What flavour?" "Cream." Normani smiled when she saw her favourite in the basket. Lotta calories in that one. Normani growled lowly. I'll do what I have to.

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