Chapter 37

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Lauren wanted to kiss Normani, but she also wanted to be respectful. She needed to let the girl get over her break up with Dinah before she made a move. "Come on, let's finish our movie day. Maybe we can go down to the beach later." Lauren suggested, changing the film to something else. "Yeah, that sounds fun." Normani half smiled, wiping her tears away. I just need to forget Dinah. I guess I kinda knew this was coming anyway. I didn't even want Dinah in the first place. She was a distraction. She left you because you're fat. And ugly. You repulse her. "Do I?" Normani whispered. "Do you what?" Lauren asked her when she slid the disc into the DVD player. "Repulse Dinah." "You're not repulsive at all, don't say that shit. You're beautiful." Lauren insisted. "That-that wasn't supposed to come out." "Don't listen to those stupid voices in your head. Dinah was a fool to leave you, you're the best she could have ever had." "Thanks Lo." "She doesn't get it, and I can't say I do completely either because I'm not going through what you are, I'm not in your head. But I'm here." Lauren kissed her temple. "And that's better than her." Normani nodded, laid her head on Lauren's chest and closed her eyes. "I'll always have you, right?" "Of course you will." "Then that's all I need." Lauren felt heat rise to her cheeks. The Cuban pulled the girl into her lap and then felt Normani cuddle up to her properly. "I do love you more, y'know." Lauren chuckled. "Yeah, I know." Normani smiled. "I can feel it." Lauren smiled, kissed her forehead and rested her chin on top of Normani's head contentedly. "Your heart's beating really fast." Lauren blushed and bit her lip. "It always does when I'm with you." "Laur, can I ask you something?" "Always." "Will you give me an honest answer?" "Of course babe." Lauren said, moving to look at Normani. "Do you like me?" "Like you how?" "Romantically." Lauren blushed and looked down. "Called it." Normani chuckled. "Me too." "You too what?" Lauren asked. "I like you too. I always have." Lauren felt the corners of her lips tug into a smile. "You're my best friend, I wasn't lying when I said that, but I can't lie and say I don't want to be more." "What about Dinah?" "A distraction, no offence to her." "But you had some feelings for her." "Platonic. She was more into it than I was." "Mani we can't." "Why not?" Normani frowned. "You literally just broke up with Dinah. You need to get over that before we can do anything about us." Normani nodded. "But, we can get together soon, right? Because I do wanna be with you." Lauren smiled and kissed the top of her forehead. "Yes. But let me charm you still, I like the initial cute flirting phase." Normani giggled and looked up at her. "I still want to kiss you." "It's been an hour since you and Dinah." Lauren laughed. "Didn't you see in the bathroom earlier when I looked at your lips Lauren? I wanted to kiss you then." "Are you sure?" "It's a kiss Lauren, I'm not asking you to marry me." Normani laughed. Lauren grinned and bit her lip. "Okay." She cupped Normani's cheek with her free hand, leaned in and softly captured her lips. The kiss was slow and sweet. Normani smiled widely into the soft kiss. "You always knew how to melt me like butter, it's so annoying." She joked. Normani reached up and took Lauren's hand, pulling it down to where her heart was. "Feel that?" Lauren blushed when she felt how hard and fast the girl's heart was beating. "My stomach is flipping too, but that'd be weird to show you." Normani giggled. "I get the point." Lauren smirked. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you." Lauren whispered. "Do it again." "Mani.." "Come on, please?" Lauren leaned in again and kissed the girl, stroking her cheek adorably. "As much as I love kissing you, I wanna watch the movie." "Do you know how fucking addicting your lips are?" Normani sighed, meeting Lauren's eyes. "No, but thank you." Lauren blushed. "Wow. I don't think I've ever seen that before." Normani mumbled. "Seen what babe?" "You're just..looking at me.." "Well yeah, eyes do that." Lauren chuckled. "You're looking at me like I'm the greatest thing in the world.." "Because you are. At least you are to me, apart from Reeses." Lauren added. "Obviously." Normani giggled. "But seriously, you're so important to me." "You're important to me too." Normani said, her bottom lip trembling. "Lauren I wanna get better." Lauren nodded. "You admitted you had an eating disorder earlier, do you really realise that now?" Normani nodded. "Yeah." "And you'll let me help you, and make an effort?" "On one condition." Lauren looked at the girl suspiciously. "What is it?" "I get to do this more." Normani mumbled, leaning in and kissing Lauren gently, feeling the Cuban smile into her lips. "Deal." She whispered.

So call me, call me, call meeeee

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