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*Mika's POV*

After Yoichi walked in, I decided to leave them alone and just go. Out for a walk at least. I grabbed my jacket and put my hood up to hide my ears and left a note. After that, I closed the door and headed to the lobby. "Oh hey there kid! Where are your parents?" The receptionist asked. As soon as I heard his voice I ran. After that was done, I started my "walk" I guess. My tail wrapped around my waist as I looked at the different stores. I walked back into the store where we last were yesterday. "Is there something you need help with?" The girl at the desk asked. I walked over to her. "Uh, yeah. Did you find a like hat laying on the floor yesterday?" I asked. "Is it red?" "Yeah it is!" I said happily. She handed me the hat and I immediately put it on. "Your pretty cute." She said. I blushed and looked away slightly. "T-thanks." I said. "Where are you parents?" "Um I came here by myself." I said. "Oh, do you want me to call them to tell them where you are?" She said and started to go to her phone. "N-no it's fine! I only came for the hat." I said, smiling. "Oh ok then. I'm Syndy." She said, sticking by her hand out. I shook it and said, "I'm Mikaela." She smiled and pulled her hand back. "Nice to meet you Mikaela. Well have a nice day!" She said. "You too!" I returned and I started to walk out. I turned a corner and I felt someone grab my hand. They turned me around and I stopped in my tracks. Then, a cloth was put against my mouth. I tried to remove it from me but I slowly went out of conscious.

**Time Skip**

I woke up to the sound of men talking. I tried to keep my eyes closed and to not move as much as possible. "Oh look, the kitty's awake." One of them said and I felt a sharp kick to my stomach. "Did you have a good nap, little kitty?" Another one said and I felt another kick into my back. I winced in pain and they kicked me repeatedly. Then the door opened and they stopped. I opened an eye and I immediately regretted it. He pulled me up by my hair so I could look at him. "Hello there Mikaela. Did you have fun?" He said, then laughed. "P-please, just l-let me go..." I struggled to say. He smiled wickedly and punched my stomach, making me fall to the ground. All the breath was taken out of me. I laid there, in pain as everyone surrounded me. "What can we do to him boss?" The one with a beenie asked. My father smiled. "He's all yours." He said and left he room. Everyone looked at me, smiled the slowly approached me. "N-no, please! Leave me alone!" I yelled as they lifted me up. I screamed at them to stop as my clothes were ripped from my body. I laid there, naked as each of them, individually came and whipped me. Each whip stung more and more as they hit me harder and harder. About two hours later, my body was covered in stinging, bleeding cuts. I sat there, crying as they just laughed at my expressions. The door opened again and they went silent. My eyes opened slightly and saw my father towering over me. "Wanna have some fun, Mikaela?" He asked, picking me up by my hair. I spat in his face and looked away as best as I could. He dropped me and whipped his face off. "You really are disgusting. How is my son such a disappointment, including one of those stupid Nekos." He said, kicking me.

I cried from the pain that surrounded my body. He picked me up again and smiled. "Let's have a little fun." He said, laughing. My eyes widened when I realized what he was about to do. I heard chains from behind me and I dropped to the ground again. He got on top of me and pinned my arms above my head. I struggled and scream as loud as I could to get away from him. He let go of me and grabbed a baseball bat. Then, I went unconscious.

**Time Skip**

I woke up to my entire body aching. I tried to move but my hands were chained to the floor. I slipped my hands out and rubbed my wrists for there were red marks all around them. I spotted my cloths and ran over to them to put them back on. It hurt to walk. It hurt to move, it even hurt to breath. My entire body was covered in bloody markings and bruises from them abusing me. My tail was cut a little and my ears had gauges in them. All I wanted to do was cry. Just sit there and cry. Yu probably hasn't even noticed I'm gone. He probably doesn't even care. He has Yoichi in his life. He doesn't need me. I sat up and pulled my knees close to my chest. The door opened and I looked at it with watery eyes. My father looked at me and laughed. "Did someone have a good nap?" He asked walking over to me. I scooted back a bit, only to run into the wall. He crouched down in front of me and smiled. "Why don't we call a friend of yours. I'm sure he would love to see you." He said, slyly. One of his men grabbed me again and chained my hands together so I couldn't move. He pulled my phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. It rang them I heard the voice on speaker phone. "Mika, oh thank god. Where the hell are y-" he stopped. "You're not Mika. Where is he?" Yu demanded to my father. He smiled and laughed. "Don't worry. My son is in good hands. Just look at him." He said and turned the phone around. Yu stared at me in horror. "MIKA!!" He yelled. My eyes widened as I saw him panic. "Y-Yuu-Chan!" I said back trying to sit up. He turned the phone back to himself. "Let him go!" Yu yelled. I heard Yoichi panicking in the background. "I'll let him go if you can find us." My dad said, laughing. Then the call ended. "Please just let me go already!" I screamed at him. He just laughed and left the room, leaving me screaming at him. I broke free from the chains again and tried to run to the door but I tripped and fell. Tears rushed down my face as I rocked myself back and forth. I miss Yu dearly. I need him. I need him

GUYS!! IM NOT DEAD!! Sorry for the really, really, late update. School started and I'm moving sooooooooo yeah. Hope you enjoyed!!!




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