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*Yoichi's POV*

I woke up in Yu's arms. I didn't hear anything so I decided to look around. I stood up carefully, trying not to wake up Yu and walked to the balcony. I opened the door and walked outside, leaning on the railing. "Yoichi?" I heard someone say quietly. I looked down and saw Mika sitting in the corner. "Oh, hi Mika. What are you doing out here?" I asked. I crouched down in front of him and he looked away from me. "Nothing really. I just wanted some fresh air." He said, still quiet. "I don't blame you." I shrugged. He still stared out into space. "How are you feeling?"


"Want any food? I bet you're hungry."

"No I'm good."

"Mika, you gotta eat something. You probably haven't eaten in a long time."

He looked up at me, then away again. "Fine." I smiled slightly and stood. "I'll be back in a second." I said and opened the door. "K" was all I heard when the door closed. I quietly walked into the kitchen, for Yu was still asleep. I grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal and made him and myself breakfast. I made Yu a bowl just incase he woke up when we were outside and went back to Mika. "Here you go." I said and handed him a bowl, sitting down in front of him. "Thanks Yoichi" he said and quickly started eating. I smiled and started eating my bowl. He probably didn't even care that he was making a mess. He just wanted the food. "Is it good?"

"You have no idea."

I laughed slightly as he drank the milk. "I was forced to eat cat food the entire time. I swear I thought I was going to have to starve myself." He said, whipping his mouth off. "We wouldn't have wanted that. Yuu-Kun would have been heartbroken." I said. He looked up at me with sky blue eyes. "Would he really?" He asked. "Of course. You know, he cares so much about you. There was one night he broke down into tears because he thought you were gone forever." I said, swishing my spoon back and forth as I talked. "Oh wow. I-I didn't even think he cared about me. I thought that he would just stay with you and forget about me." He said, sadly. He wrapped his arms around his legs and rested his chin on his knees. His shirt had pulled up a little bit. Cuts surrounded his arm. "What did they do to you?" I asked myself, trying to make sure he didn't hear me. "What?" He asked, looking up. "Oh, n-nothing." I said. He sighed and looked away again. I noticed his ears had chunks missing along the edges. His tail was cut short as well. "Do they hurt?" I asked.

"Does what hurt?"

"Your ears and tail."

He looked behind him at his tail and nodded. "A lot actually. Everyday they would slowly cut it until one day, they just chopped it off." He said, sadly. He looked like he was about to start crying. I sat up a little and wrapped my arms around him, trying to comfort him. He gripped me tightly and cried into my shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for leaving like that." He cried softly. "Hey, it's not your fault. You didn't know." I said, rubbing his back. "Yes I did..." He said. I looked down at him as he looked up at me. "When Yuu-Chan and I went shopping for clothes for me, I ran into my father after seven years of not seeing him. Right before we left the store, he yelled 'I'll get you Mikaela! Watch out.' And I heard laughter." He said. His grip tightened. "It'll be ok. I promise he won't get you again." I said. "How? You're going to be leaving in a few months anyways. It wouldn't matter." He said, letting go of me. "I'll make sure Yuu-Kun takes care of you." I said, with a reassuring smile. He smiled slightly and hugged me again. The door opened. "There you guys are." Yu said, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He sat next to Mika. "Why are you guys on the floor? There's a table and chair literally right next to you." He said motioning to the table. I shrugged and Mika let go of me. "Mika, are you ok?" Yu asked. "Y-yeah I'm fine." He said, whipping his eyes and nose. He smiled slightly and brought him closer to him. Mika cuddled up next to him and closed his eyes. I leaned back on my hands as Yu held him close.

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