Chapter 2: Preperation

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Naruto: That’s Hinata?! What is with her outfit? How is she not passing out in fear? When did she get comfortable with herself?

Hinata was wearing a tight lavender shirt with a band around her stomach. (Imagine her outfit from the last)

“So, Lord Sixth, what are we going to suna for?” Asked Sakura.

“Well, I don't know. You are to receive your orders from the kazekage himself. You all are to meet up at 6:30 tomorrow morning. You are dismissed.” Replied Kakashi.

Everyone leaves the room and heads to their respective places to prepare for the day that follows. Naruto, having rushed home to pack, decided to train for a bit. He rushed to the training field.

When he arrived he crossed his legs and straightened his back. In this meditative state, he began to enter the dungeon in his mind.

“Hey, Kurama!” yelled Naruto, excited to see the fox laying down where bars once kept him locked away.

“Naruto, why do you interrupt my slumber?” The fox demon lifted his head from his arms and looked at the blond boy.

“Can't I just say hi? Jeez you're as uptight as ever!” claimed the boy.

“Hmph.” breathed the fox. He plopped his head back in his arms and closed his eyes.

“God, you sound like Sasuke.” muttered the boy. “Well, anyway, I was just hoping to get some training in before i have to go.”

Naruto clapped his hands together and entered his kyuubi state. He stood up and quickly noticed a new feeling. He could sense evil in this state but this was different. It was warm, an almost cuddly feeling. He turned to look in the direction it was coming from.

“Who’s there?” yelled Naruto. The feeling got farther and farther away from his location. With the feeling gone, he pushed it out of his mind and went back to training.

When he returned home, he took a shower. Then, he did the final touches on packing. After that, he collapsed on to his bed and fell into a blissful sleep.

“Brrrrrrrrnnnnnggggg,” wrang his alarm clock. He let out a sigh and lazily slapped at it until it turned off. He dresses in his usual black and orange suit and grabbed his gear. Naruto hastily made his way to the gate. Upon arrival, he noticed that everyone was waiting on him. He wasn't late though; they were just early.

Once everyone assembled, they chatted for a few moments. They were heading out when Hinata noticed someone sitting on the wall looking at the sunset in disbelief. It was as if the sun wasn't supposed to rise.

“Sorry guys, I left something. I will only be a second. Please keep going. I will catch up shortly.” said Hinata and she ran back to the village.

She approached the figure who was holding their knees, staring at the sun rise, and had small tears dripping down their face and into their lap. Hinata sat down next to them and waited a moment. Then she spoke.

“I miss him, too, Tenten.” she said in a very soft, comforting voice.

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