Chapter 4: The Break

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"Hey, dont you think its just about time to set up camp?" Asked Sakura.

They had been going ever since lunch. It was nearing darkness. Shikamaru agreed and they began looking for a clearing.

They found a clearing by a lake. Shikamaru set up the tents, Sakura got water, and Naruto and hinata went out collecting firewood.

Naruto: God she's so pretty.

Hinata: He is so close. I cant stand it.

"Hey, Hinata?"

"Y-Yeah, N-naruto."

"Uh- umm. Well..."started Naruto. Hinata, who was just inches away from Naruto, had an excited yet fearful look in her eyes that almost seemed hopeful.

"Its just that, you're kinda standing on my foot." continued the blonde idiot as he smilled and rubbed the back of his head.

"O-oh, I'm s-sorry." Mumbled Hinata as she quickly turned away and continued to collect firewood.

Naruto: Ahh! Im such an idoit! What is wrong with me? I could have cared less that she was on my foot. Actually I enjoyed having her so close.

"Ok, I think that that is enough. Let's get back to Sakura and the lazy one." Said Naruto.

Once Naruto and Hinata arrived at the campsite, a clenched fist slammed into his face sending him back into the forest to witch he just came from.

Getting up and walking back into the campsite, reading himself for more fists, Naruto spoke. "Oww! Sakura, what was that for?"

"Next time dont take so long!"

Naruto: Jeese Dad, if this is what mom was like, what did you get yourself into? And I thought I had a demon inside me!


Naruto: "uh, uh, sorry Kuruma!"

Before long, they settled down, went to there respictive tents and went to sleep. All except one.

Hinata rose from her tent and quietly snuck past the others. She went to the edge of the pond that bordered the campsite to one side and sat down. She hugged her knees and watchedas the translucent water captured the picturesque moon lit sky. It was glaring at her, tormenting her with its beauty.

A black figure approuched her from behind. Hinata was to focused on the light of the moon to notice. The figure stopped a little more than a foot behind her and called out.


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter and the long wait. With school I have trouble finding time to write but I should have the next chapter out real soon

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