Chapter 3: Starting the walk

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"I miss him too, Tenten." Said Hinata in a very soft, comforting voice. "But he wouldnt want us to become sadened by his death. Neji wouldnt want us to be unhappy." She continued, a little cry in her voice seaped through. She was suprisingly comfident, a first for her.

She knew exactlt how Neji would feel if he learned he was the cause of Tenten's sadness. She knew that Neji would want them, no, need them to move on.

"I know but I just cant. I cant forget him. Why does the world still turn? Why does the sun still rise? Why didnt it stop for just a second to honor him? Why did he have to die?" Tenten finally responded.

"Because," she paused, almost stuttering, "he wanted us to live." She got up and turned away from Tenten and towards her group. A small tear made its way down her face and splashed against the ground under her feet. She conjured her strenght and took off towards her group.

"Hey, Hinata!" Said Naruto.

"H-hey, N-naruto," replied Hinata. Her confidence fell drastically as she looked into his bright blue eyes. A warmth came over her and her face turned a bright red.

"Naruto, the feeling from earlier, its back."

"Huh, well ok," replied Naruto, outloud.

"Who are you talking to, Naruto?" Asked Shikamaru.

Naruto chuckled and replied, "Oh, no one. Come one; lets get going!" They all began walking towards suna.

More than a few hours of branch to branch hopping had paced by. As lunch time aproached they all became hungry, especially Naruto.

"Shikamaru, can we stop to eat? Im starving!" Groaned Naruto.

"No, we can cover much more ground and get there sooner if we keep going." Replied Shikamaru.

"Come on, Shikamaru. Im hungry too. Besides, what's the big rush? Its so unlike you to turn down a chance to be lazy." Asked Sakura. Shikamaru's eyes widened.

"I think we all know what the reason he is acting this way," teased Naruto.

Shikamaru's eyes widened again and his face tightened. His cheeks turned a pink-like color. "Uhh, fine we can stop next clearing we find." Replied Shikamaru, panicing slightly.

When they arrived at a clearing Naruto found a place to sit and plopped down. Crossing his legs, he got out his food and gobbled it down. Satisfied and finished eating, long before the others, Naruto let his mind wonder.

"Why did you ignore my words earlier?"

"Think, Kurama. If we can sense evil energies then maybe we can sense pure energies too. That feeling was a nice, good feeling. I welcome the person who caused that feeling." Replied Naruto.

"Ah, I see. But, take note. I senced it without joining our power together. It is quite a strong, powerful force."

"Ok, lets get going." Said Shikamaru.

"O-ok," stated Hinata.

The Color Of Purple: A Naruhina FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang