Chapter 6: The Sand and What it hides

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In side the Hidden Sand, a patch of sand began to swirl. Naruto was lifted form the sand. The rest followed.

"Garra, what was that about?" Asked Naruto.

"Naruto, that is the Kazekage you're talking to. Be more respectful!" Yelled Sakura.

"You arent suppose to be here for another day." Said Garra.

"Well, we got here early." Replied Naruto. "What is our mission?"

"Oh, yes. The mission." Garra paused. "A large group of bandits have been attenpting to loot our grave sites. I plan to have you all team up with a team of mine and handle them."

"Sounds easy enough." Interjected Shikamaru.

"Yep, even for a cry baby like you!" Yelled out a harsh voice. A blonde girl of decent hight walked into the room. Her hair was done up into poinytails. She had her arms folded.

"Ah, Temari, just who I was looking for. Show them to where they will be staying. And remember, keep them away from the east side." Commanded Garra.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Here that guys? Stay away from the east side. Those are Lord Kazakages orders." Replied Temari

"Ok. We will." Spoke Shikamaru for the whole group.

Once outside, Temari showed them all to a small hotel. It was the normal sand structure on the outside. On the inside their were 5 rooms. Temari informed Sakura that she was the first door. Hinata had the second, Naruto had the third, and Nara had the forth door.

"Since I'm to be your host while your here I will be in the 5th one. Dont mess with me when im asleep or you wont make it back to the leaf, understand?" The murderous intent rung through her vocal cords. Everyone gulped then nodded to show they understood.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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