Chapter 5: The Dark Figure

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Hinata swung her head around to meet the gaze of the one interupting her peace. Her light lavender eyes widened and her cheeks grew a salmon like color. Her eyes quickly darted to the ground upon seeing who it was.

"N-Naruto!" She called out suprised to see the boy. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I was actually just about to ask you the same thing."

"Uh-uh, n-nothing."

"Oh, well mind if I join you?" Asked the blonde. He didnt bother waiting for an answer. He sat down next to her and hugged his knees just like she was. He sat no more that 6 inches away from her and stared at the beautiful pond.

Hinata's eyes fixated on the boy. She could feel his warmth. Then, she say something in Naruto that she had only seen when he thought he was alone. Pain. There was pain in his eyes, on his face, and in his heart. And she could see it all. When it came to Naruto, she could see things even her byakugan was blind to.

"It's pretty isnt it?" Asked the boy. He turned his head to look at her and their eyes met. With Naruto's face now just an inch from hers, her cheeks became a deep crimson color. Naruto's cheeks had a similar glow to them but the color didnt quite match up. Hinata stared into his beautiful blue eyes and felt at ease. It only took a fraction of a second for her to get lost in his riddled eyes. It was like they were daring her to crack the code.

A second past and she realized what was happening. Quickly, her head darted towards the lake and her eyes fixated on the moon's glow to hide the fact that she was really staring off into space.

Naruto stayed frozen, eyes locked on the girl. He couldnt look away. No. More like he didnt want to. He refused to look at the pond. He didnt want to ruin his memory of its beauty because he knew that the moment he looked at it, it would look insignificant in comparison to her. Her rosey cheeks sent a tingle through Naruto's stomach. Goose bumps grew all over his body. He felt lost. Or maybe confused. Only one thought ran through his mind. He missed those eyes.

He forced himself to look at the lake. The tension was palpable. Naruto grabbed the scarf around his neck and clenched it tight. He shut his eyes. Finally, he spoke.

"It reminds me of my mom. I have only seen her twice and didnt know her very long but I miss her. I see things that remind me of her. Things like the moon..."

His voiced trembled. Hinata looked at her needs and felt his sadness. She felt a pain in her heart and she couldnt explain why. She didnt know what to do. She didnt know what to say.

"And you." He continued in an increadably quite voice but Hinata still heard him. Her face darted up from her knees and stared at him. She looked up just in time to see a single tear fall from his face to his knees.

"N-Naruto," she called out. He stood up and looked at her. He raised a hand to his face and wiped away the stream left by the tear.

"Hey, dont worry about it. It's getting late. Let's get to bed." Exclaimed Naturo, returing to his usual energetic state. He reached a hand down to help her up and smiled at her with his eyes closed. She grabbed his hand and pulled herself up. She wished they could just stay like that, stay holding hands.

He escorted to her tent and waited until she was inside. Then he went to his sleeping bag because he had forgot to pack a tent and laid down with his hands behind his head. "Well, Mom, Dad, she sure is pretty, isn't she?" He said outloud for no one but himself and the stars above to hear.


Those words Naruto had said stuck with Hinata. She couldn't fall asleep after that! 'I remind Naruto of his mom?' She thought to herself. She couldnt figure out why he would tell her. Most importanly, she couldnt figure out why she was like his mom.


Naruto woke with a stabing pain in his side. He opened his eyes and ground. The sun burned his non-adjusted retnas.

"Wake up, you baka!" Called out Sakara as she kicked him in the side.

"Ugh, I'm up! I'm up -tebayo! " Replied Naruto.

"Took you long enough." Scoffed Shikamaru. "Come one lets get going."

With Shikamaru's comand they were off.
Naruto was getting restless. He wanted to get there as soon as possible.

"I wish we could get there sooner," said Shikamaru.

"You read my mind." Replied Naruto. An evil-like smirk rose on Naruto's face. Naruto could feel that Kurama had a similiar look on his.

"Haha, do it Naturo."

"Haha, ok!" Muttered Naruto. He clapped his hands together and a unique pattern apeared over his shirt. His clothes and entire body began to glow with a yellowish red light. Three arms of this glowing orange chakra shot out and grabbed Sakura, Shikamaru, and Hinata.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Yelled Sakura. Naruto looked back at her and his grin grew. He lept foward at a ground-breaking spead. The remaining day and a half trip was cut down to less than 3 hours.

When they arrived at the Suna gates, Naruto released them and then the chakra mode. Naruto turned to look at their faces. A loud laugh escaped his mouth. Kurama let out a small giggle.

"Naruto!" Yelled Sakaru as she ran full spead at him, hand clenched, and murderous intent in her eyes.

Moments before the fist could make contact, the sand under Naruto's feat began spinning wildly, sucking him into the ground. Sakura was baffled as her hand only hit air. They were all confused. Hinata was about to activate her Byakugan but was sucked in before she could. Sakura was sucked in next. Lastly, Shikamaru disappeared into the red dessert.

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