Chapter 4/5 (Part 2)

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*Very short chapter and spoilers*

"Who's this?" you ask. It's a few long seconds before he replies.

"Lucrecia Crescent."


"Lucrecia...." you whisper as you look back at her. "She's beautiful!"

"..........." You turn to him after hearing silence. 

"Vincent? Are you okay?" 

"Lucrecia.... is.....Sephiroth's mother," he says after hesitating. Your eyes were on the verge off popping off your face; you were thunderstruck. 

"But... didn't he say that Jenova was his mother?" Vincent shook his head and looked down.

"Jenova wasn't anyone's mother. It was just an alien that created beings like Sephiroth. He was told from an early age that his mother was Jenova in order to hide the truth from him. He never met Lucrecia." You look back up at Lucrecia. You felt so sorry for her. Her child was the very man that almost destroyed the world. "However...." Vincent went on.

"I was her bodyguard before he was born. And....... I fell in love with her."

The world stopped after those words left his mouth. You couldn't move nor could you even see. After processing what he said, you looked up at Lucrecia again. You took at her face and features. Then you looked at your reflection from the crystals. To you, you were only a tiny candle flame compared to her blazing inferno. Your voice and saliva were lodged in your throat, making you unable to speak. A few more minutes of silence overtook the dark cave; all that could be heard were the droplets of water falling from the ceiling into the large pond below.

"Are you still in love with her?" you whisper, your throat burning with each word.


You took that as a yes. 

"Is that all you wanted to show me here?" you ask. 

"Yes," Vincent says. Looking up at the woman in the gem, you heard a faint voice echoing throughout the cave.

"I'm sorry......" 

The two of you proceeded out the cave without a word. When you got to the entrance and into the moonlight, you quickly sprinted away from Vincent. He didn't try to stop you nor did he say your name. He knew it was better to leave you alone for now. But it crushed him when your faded sobs could reach his ears as you faded into the thick trees and into darkness. 

Vincent Valentine x Reader Part 2(Short Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now