Chapter 8

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Justin's POV

   I just laid on my bed.Why Kay doesn't want to hang with me? Did she see I was kissing with Madi? Did she? I guess NO because I think of that,I kissed her at the quiet place EVER in schoo.But why?! Then,i heard someones geeting come to my room.It's my mom

'Justin,why are you laying on the bed? Are you watching the future?' She asked and sit next to me on bed

'Nothing...I don't know..' I said while looking down

'Hun..Tell me what's wrong.I'll tell you,I can help you'

'My girlfriend,Kay..DOesn't wanna talk to me' I looked at her face.She knew Kay and I together

'WHAT?! Why?'

'I don't know,mom.I didn't do nothing wrong.It just insane after Ry,Chaz and Ash doesn't wanna talk to me anymore.I love her.Moe than anything'

'Sweetie,Just calm down.Nothing will happend it just women's problem.' My mom said softly while tear dropped of my face

'Okay...I'll trust you'

*skips to school*

 I walked to Kay's locker to meet her.I wanna know the truth.I saw her at the locker looking so bad

'Kay..!' I shouted but she ran away.I grabbed her wrist

'What the fuck you want?!!!!!'

'What's wrong with you?Why you run away from me?!'

'The fact I run away from YOU,because your being so JERK! Why you must did this to me.I thought you love me!!!!!' SHe shouted and I can saw her tears

'What did I did to you anyway?'

'You can still asked me.Justin,I saw you kissing with Madison! Is that really a good think you've e ver done to all the girl?!Tell me JUSTIN! TELL ME!

'I'm soryy..I can explain to you later'

'Explain?! You wasting my time! You know what? We're OVER and I HATE you!!!!!' She walked away and left me stood up and trying to hold my tears from drop.

  Seriously,I need to have her back!! I need her!!!! I need her!!!!! I walked away ..

Kayla's POV

  Great ! My 1st class with Justin.I need to sit beside him.I'm just being with him for 3 days in half.Now,everything's OVER. I sit and I saw Justin walked towards me and sit.Mr. Ben come over...

'Good Morning!!!!! So yeah 1st,Kayla!' he shouted my name and I looked over to him

'You'e got detention for 20 mins after school this week.Good Luck with that.And Justin,Where are you last whole Friday?!'

'Um...I-I went to see principal'

'Ohh okay'

SHit! Justin doesn't have detentions while I WAS! I hate him.Real hate.I hate all of these stuffs.I should get back to LA.Place where I belong too ...

 After this class,the lunch bell ringing.I hurriedly walked off the class.Run away from Justin.I hate him.But Ash followed me from behind.

'Kay...Wait! You're going so fast' She catching her breath and I stopped at my locker.Put my books

'I just wanna run away from that JERK! That's all'

'Seriously,I heard your story! I can hear you yelled at him.But maybe you need let him explain...'

'Explain??!!!!' I shouted 'Ash,which side are you gonna support for? Me or HIM?"

'Two of you.You guys been together like....' She stopped and I continued

'3 days in a half...'

'Yeah...3 days in a half.You still wanna let tru love go?'

'True love?' I shut my locker and facing her

'It's not call true love or whateve.It's call FAKE love' I walked away without looking at her.

  Then,at lunch I've met my mates at the lunch table.There's no Justin.Thank God.

'Whaddup? ' I said popped the 'p'

'Godd.....Where's your lunch?' Ry asked

'Not hungry'

'Sorry for you and Justn...'

'Nahh... And talking about him,Where is he? With the bitch?'

'I don't know.He said wanna met someone ...'


'Hey..Tomorrow's Friday rite? Sleepover at my house' Ry said . Chaz,Ash and I agreed..I know there's going to be Justin,but I'm not going to let he ruin my fun!


Do You Love Me ? *Bieber Love Story*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant