Chapter 5

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We reached a broken down theater. Removing the rubble I walked in I running towards the giant stage. I stood on it with my hands on my hips waiting for the others to come.

"Hey what's this hole here for?"

"For where we will find the witch he sleeps with" Deadshot replied earning a few laughs.

"It's for us to get to the subway since the entrance is blocked off by all the rubble" Rick said.

I jumped off the stage and walked to the concession stand in the corner. Grabbing a box of buttered popcorn I stood in front of them. I watched them walk around talking about something like a child would for their favorite tv show.

Getting bored I climbed on J's back as he checked to see how many bullets he had. I kissed his cheek then his neck. I just looked around as he walked around. Getting down, I walked over to the hole. Peering over the edge I almost fell because I forgot that I couldn't step any farther.

I then felt a jab at my back and fell. I turned my head and saw Harley smiling and waving at me with cuffed hands. I fell down past two different floors before I hit the ground. My back arched as I screamed in pain. It was a dimly lit subway. There was black goo on the pillars and it littered the floor.

I saw a rope falling down towards me as I heard shouting. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I fully believed this was my last day on this earth. I was struggling to breathe my breath came in short, ragged breaths. I saw feet walk towards me, they were black so they had to be J's at least I thought. I was picked up by Deadshot then handed over to J.

"J- J?" I said as I looked at his tear stained face.

"It's me"

"Why does all this shit happen to me?"

He chuckled before he picked me up. I grabbed his face and kissed him. I pulled away,

"I-I think I can walk on my own" I said as J let me down.

"God dammit I left my gun up there" I said earning a chuckle from Joker.

We walked down the destroyed walkway of the subway.

"Um, I don't see a witch" I mumbled

"She's in a different part of the subway" Rick said slightly annoyed.

"Awe! Is little lover boy in love? Defending his little witch bitch?" I mocked.

"Shut up! I won't hesitate to blow your head up!" He said facing the phone at me. J's grip tightened around my waist as Rick said that.

"You won't do it, you need me and everyone else to save your bitch" I replied glaring at him.

I earned a frustrated sigh as I grinned in victory.


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