Chapter 1

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It hasn't always been the easiest life for Cassie, not even as a witch going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was always the odd one out, always picked last for games. Kids thought she was weird. She could make things happen that no one could explain, not even her. 

When she got excited or mad, things would happen; a cake would explode, a glass would shatter, the person she got mad at would suddenly blow up into a balloon and float away. She got a detention for doing that to her teacher in first grade. 

That's when she met Benedict Cumberbatch. He was the only person who was nice to her and the only one who understood what she was going through. He showed her all sorts of things he could do, like make flowers grow or make some disappear out of thin air.

He explained to her that he was a wizard and that his parents were wizards, too. Cassie wanted to believe that she herself was what like Ben had described, but she didn't have any members of her family that were witches or wizards. 

So, she kept it a secret. 

For years, Ben has showed her all sorts of ways to use magic. He gave her books to read, even showed her his parents' wands and school letters from a school called Hogwarts. Cassie so badly wanted to go to Hogwarts. That's all she ever wanted!

When she turned ten, she expressed this to her parents, who had no idea what she was talking about. She then showed them everything that she could do and it was fair to say that her mom fainted. 

See, they were America, but Cassie was born in London, as were her grandparents. Her dad got a job that he couldn't pass up and they moved right in time for her to be born. Ben had told Cassie that everyone he knew who went to Hogwarts was from England. Cassie expressed this to her parents, who learned to come accustomed to her magical ways. 

When Ben turned eleven, he got his Hogwarts letter. When Cassie turned eleven...she got nothing. She waited and waited by the mailbox for days, but nothing ever showed up. One night, when she was sleeping peacefully, there was a sound against her window. 

She opened her eyes and saw an owl with a letter in it's mouth. As quickly as she could, she opened her window and the owl dropped it on her floor before flying away. She hastily opened it to see that she had been accepted in Hogwarts. 

That was the beginning of the best times of her entire life.


"Wait, you what?!" Cassie sighed and rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face was not to be mistaken. She had made the mistake of telling Hermione that her and Benedict had gotten together over Summer. It was only last year that her and Benedict started showing their feelings for each other. 

Ben's been in love with Cassie ever since he first set his eyes on her. Cassie felt the same, of course, but never thought of acting on it. Over the Summer, her and Ben had taken a chance and just went for it. They've never been happier.

"Please tell me it wasn't just a fling!" Hermione begged. Cassie laughed and looked a head, down the hall, where she saw Ben and the boys (Harry, Ron, Tom, and Martin) heading to them. Her and Ben's gaze instantly met and they smiled lovingly at each other. Without breaking eye contact, Cassie turned to Hermione and said, "Definitely just a fling." Hermione sighed in annoyance. 

They've all been waiting for those two to get together! 

Cassie laughed, but stopped when the boys approached. They all hugged each other, but when Ben got to Cassie, he gave her a loving, tender kiss. When they pulled back, he hooked his arm around her waist and pulled her to his side. They both looked up at their friends to see them gaping. Ron was the first to break the silence and started clapping as said, "About bloody time!"

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