FINALLY MEET ~ Chapter 1

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Allie's POV

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Allie's POV

Another boring day at the café had me absolutely flustered. The café had opened two hours ago and no one had come in to buy anything. The sound of the bell of the door had rung and had me drawn out of my daze. Chills climbed up my back rapidly and instantly as the gorgeous stranger starts to talk.

"A strong double shot cappuccino," the deep voice had me head over hills as I gulp straightening myself out.

"Ah, that'll be $5.40," the face of the man had finally looked up from his phone and his eyes widen. He hesitantly handed me the money and just stared at me as I made his order. He was the most hottest guy I have ever seen, like EVER!

"What's your name?" he finally broke the deadly silence by asking.

"Allie," I reply in a slight stutter.

"I'm Tyson. It's nice to meet you," his name was so familiar but I couldn't put my hand on it. Tyson was absolutely breathtaking with his suit on making him look like he was from a high class. Maybe he was, that would mean that I shouldn't even be looking at someone like him, don't even mention talking to. It was time for me to shut up. He was just being polite, who would want to talk to a low life anyways right?

When I finished his order I handed it to him. His large rough hand slightly touch mine creating fireworks in between. I slightly gasps but not enough for him to hear me.

"I'll see you tomorrow kitten,"

What the hell did he mean and who was kitten?


Hey guys, this is my first ever book on Wattpad. I've read so many books on here and decided that I wanted to write one. Thanks for reading this chapter. I plan on updating twice a week, if I am busy then only once. Chapters will be much longer as well <3

- she is his 

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