BEING TAKEN ~ Chapter 5

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Allie's POV

I take a shower and climb in bed after the amazing date with Tyson. He was honestly a Greek god! He was such an amazing and nice guy, like honestly, just WOW! My insecurities were out the window the instant that he had assured me about how he supposedly liked me the way I was. Now I was by myself and my self-doubts loved to put me down.

I wake up to a knock on the door that gets me alarmed but I assume it is Tyson as he would be the only person who would come to my so called home therefore I open the door. To my surprise and horror, it was two men dressed in black uniform and one of them are holding a gun to my head. The cold metal is touching my skin like poison. A towel is stuffed to my nose and I instantly fall asleep, feeling very drowsy. I could only hope Tyson would come find me soon and save me from all this.

I wake up abruptly to the sound of very sinister laughter.

"Ah, so your finally awake princess."

The man then caresses my face which I dodge away from in hopes of stopping the man from sexually harassing or assaulting me. I knew I only wanted one person touching me in such a manner, it was Tyson. Oh baby, I wish you do come soon, I need you.

Tyson's POV

I go home and take a cold shower, our date was so perfect. My kitten left me so sexually frustrated and I honestly needed to find some release. I manage to fall asleep with my kitten as the last thing and the most important thing on my mind before I go to sleep.

In the morning I am awoken by my beta and assistant manager for my businesses, he informs me that the guards that were outside my kitten's home had spotted two men drugging her and taking her way. THOSE MEN WERE GOING TO GET IT! No one messes with MY kitten and simply gets away with it. I wanted their heads on platters and I was sure no one was going to get in the way of me finding my kitten and putting her into the place she belongs, in MY arms. No one else's, ever. She was mine forever. I am coming for you kitten and I am getting rid of anyone who tries to get in my way. 


Hey guys, I am sooooo sorry about the delay and I am sure most of you know this is my first ever book so it is challenging but I am trying to start posting weekly for all of you guys. 

WHAT ARE YOU CRAVING RIGHT NOW? X - I am craving chocolate, but when aren't I. 

Thanks for all the love and support <3

- she is his

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