A Singer's Loss Chapter One

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>> Currently at RealityLiveTV << August 3, 2014

Broadcaster, Mrs. Johnson: " A new pop group has debuted today called AngelBeats. The group of three, Megan, Sabrina, Britney, have stated that they're excited to make music and perform for the world. I wish these girls the best of luck in the music world! "

>> RealityLiveTV << September 10, 2014

Mrs. Johnson: " Missing Lyrics by AngelBeats instantly became a huge hit as soon as it was released. The increasing sales that this song produced has just opened up new opportunities for AngelBeats and this might just only be the beginning to their journey to stardom. "

>> RealityLiveTV << December 18, 2015

Mrs. Johnson: " With the rising of AngelBeats' popularity after the release of their new album Camera Smile, they've been given many deals to perform on T.V shows, do personal interviews, and have their music air on commercials. These girls are quickly becoming star sensations! "

>> RealityLiveTV << February 21, 2015

Mrs. Johnson: " New pop group sensation, AngelBeats, has shocked the world with their empathetic, sweet, and compassionate music. Their albums have sold out almost immediately throughout the world and their concerts overflowing with adoring fans. These girls plan on going on tour next month to travel and perform around the world. Information about their worldwide tour has yet to be released. "

>> SweetMusic Show << * Special Guest ~ AngelBeats * May 2, 2015

SweetAnnie: " Today on my show I have with me here, AngelBeats! First of all, thanks for having the time to come and be in my show today, since I know you've been busy on your tour. How are you three enjoying the tour so far? "

Member of AngelBeats, Sabrina: " It's great! Being able to perform in different countries has always been a dream to us. Everyday is like a brand new experience and it's really fun! "

SweetAnnie: " That's very good to hear. But, it must be hard since you have to be away from your loved ones while you're on tour. "

Member of AngelBeats, Britney: " Well, it's something that every artist has to go through. For me, I have my mom and my little sister at home and I miss them a lot.. But I know how much they love and support me with my dream and wouldn't stop me from doing what I love to do. So no matter how busy my schedule is, I'll always keep in touch. "

SweetAnnie: " That's a relief. So tell me, what do you three plan on doing after your tour? "

Member of AngelBeats, Megan: " Well I'll tell you all that we plan to keep on making music together after our tour, so look forward to it everyone! "

SweetAnnie: " Anddd there you have it. Stay in tune for more updates on AngelBeats, and what they plan on doing next! "

>> RealityLiveTV << September 3, 2015

Mrs. Johnson: " Popular girls group, AngelBeats, who had been recently touring, got into a terrible accident today. Their car crashed at 1:42AM where they were trying to go to their next performance destination in the area. So far it's ruled to be an accident ,but police believe that speeding was a factor in the crash. Sadly, AngelBeats member Britney Fawn died on impact. The last two members, Sabrina and Megan were sent to a nearby hospital in critical condition. Information about their conditions have yet to be released. "

>> RealityLiveTV << September 7, 2015

Mrs.Johnson: " We've got some saddening news today. Four days after the crash and the lost of their member Britney Fawn, AngelBeats member, Sabrina Rose, sadly passed away this early morning after succumbing to her injuries. Last survivor member, Megan Singh, has yet to awaken from the accident ,but doctors say she's in stable condition and should be regaining consciousness soon... "

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