The Photograph Chapter Two

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>> Destruct's Stageroom << 10:02AM

Chris was staring at the photo that contained the three members of AngelBeats. He believed the girl he saw singing at Memorial Cemetery was Megan Singh.

[ Megan Singh is the one on the right side with pink hair and amethyst eyes. Sabrina Rose is the one in the middle with light brown hair and green eyes. Britney Fawn is the one on the left side with purple hair and hazel eyes in the picture. ]

Member of Destruct, David: " Come on, Chris.. Don't beat yourself up over this photo... I mean it's not like it's your fault that you can't find Megan. "

Member of Destruct, Chris: " But it's my fault that she dropped the photo in the first place... Besides, you know what happened to these girls.. So this has to be very important to her. "

David: " But you told me that you went to that same graveyard for weeks and you haven't seen her once. "

Chris: " I know... But I just have to.. "

David: " Cheer up, Man. You'll find her one day, so don't be so down on yourself. Besides, I'll help you. "

Chris mouthed the words " Thank you. "

Chris: " Alright. "

David: " Good. Now come on, we're supposed to help out and host a concert for a band today. "

Chris: " Us? Being hosts?? "

David: " Yeah. Michael said it would be a good opportunity for the both of us. "

Chris and David started heading towards to the entrance of the front stage.

Chris: " You sure we can do something like this?

David: " Of course! Together we can do anything. Let's go, Chris. "

>> On Stage << ** ASYLUM ** 10:12AM

Chris: " Hey everyone! I'm Zero! "

David: " And I'm Red! "

Chris: " We'd like to thank you for coming here today! "

David: " So to our great pleasure, we'd like to introduce to you all...Asylum!"

> After Asylum's Concert / Backstage < 10:25AM

As the lead member of Asylum walked past...

David: " Great job today! You guys really raised the roof! "

Lead member of Asylum, Grave: " Thanks! You guys were killer hosts! Tell us when you're free ,because we'd love to have you as our hosts again. "

David: " Sure thing! It'd be our pleasure! "

Member of Asylum, Pyro: " What's up with Chris? "

David: " Oh great... He's sulking again. "

Grave: " Sulking? About what? "

David: " Well, he's frustrated that he can't find a girl named Megan Singh. "

Grave: " Why? "

David: " She dropped something really important and he wants to give it back to her. "

Grave: " I see... Megan Singh.... "

Grave started walking towards Chris.

Grave: " I think I can help you with your " Megan " problem, Chris. "

Chris: " You can? "

David: " You can???? "

Grave: " Yeah. I know a guy who knows her, so I can give out his number to you guys. "

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