Once Again Chapter Four

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>> Memorial Cemetery << 5:10PM

Megan is standing in front of Sabrina's and Britney's gravestones. She remembers the words that Nicole said to her.

Nicole (Star): " Don't you think your friends would've wanted you to move on and sing again? "

Member of AngelBeats, Megan: " Again...hm..? "

>> Sweets Cafe ( Cake Shop ) << 8:33AM

Megan was running the cashier today.

Megan: ' Maybe I should ask them for help... I mean its been three years since I was in the business.... '

Megan shakes her head, realizing her doubts were ridiculous.

Megan: ' No no.. I can't do that... Maybe I shouldn't do it after all.... '

While Megan was thinking to herself, Caleb, her brother was speaking to her the whole time.

Megan's brother, Caleb: " Yo Sis. You sleeping on the job?? "

Megan: ' It's not like I have a company to go to anymore... '

Caleb: " Are you listening to me? "

Megan: ' And nobody would take a washed out idol like me anyway..... '

Caleb: " Hello??? Earth to Sis? "

Megan: ' But.... '

Caleb: " HELLO SIS?! "

Megan: " Oh Caleb! What's the matter? "

Caleb: " I should be asking you that. You've been spacing out here for 10 minutes. It's not like you to slack off. "

Megan: " I guess you could say that I have a lot on my mind today... "

Caleb: " You sure your tiny brain can handle that many thoughts? "

Megan: " Oh shut up. "

Megan looked around in the Cafe. Seeing all the customers.

Megan: " Um.. Caleb? "

Caleb: " Yeah? "

Megan: " Let's say you wanted to do something. But due to a couple of circumstances... It seemed impossible to do. What would you do? "

Caleb realized what Megan wanted to do. It's just what he wanted.

Caleb: " Stuuuupid. I swear my sister has a thick skull. "

Megan: " Well that's rude... "

Caleb: " Nothing is impossible, Sis. It's only impossible if you make it seem like it is. If you work hard enough, you'll surely be able to accomplish it. If it still seems impossible then take baby steps. Nobody ever said you'd have to accomplish it immediately. "

Megan: ' Baby steps.... '

Megan: " Thanks Caleb! Take over the register for me, I have to do something! "

Caleb: " What? Lame.... "

Caleb: ' She finally took her first step. '

>> Zero and Red FanSign Event << 10:48AM

Member of Destruct, Zero: " Bye everyone! Thanks for coming! "

Member of Destruct, Red: " And as always, we love you. " -winks-

David/Red: " Hey Chris. You alright man? "

Chris: " Of course I am. Why would you ask? "

David: " Please. Is being your ' Best Friend ' just a label to you? I know something is on your mind. Besides, you weren't doing your usual, - imitating Chris - ' I'm Zero, the most handsome man to ever walk this Earth. I define the word perfection. Love me, mwah! ' kind of thing.

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