Part 6: The day @ her Home

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Arya searched everywhere for the book and he failed to find it. So, he ordered the book on a popular e-commerce platform & opted for 'Fastest delivery option' by paying few extra bucks.

The next day in the afternoon, he received the book by paying the money by himself. Now, he got ready to give that book to her in her home.

He wore his best dress, sprayed some perfume & left to Shraddha's home in his brother's bike.


After few minutes, he found her home. He braced himself, as if he was going to propose her & knocked the door.

Few seconds later a man in his Fourties opened the door. He was Shraddha's father. Shraddha had earlier said to his parents that one her friends will visit her on the evening. On seeing perfectly dressed Arya & a book in his hand, he thought he was the friend & welcomed him inside.

Arya: "No, no uncle.. Is Shraddha in. I just came to give her this book, that she wanted." replied in a casual manner, instead of sounding like a delivery boy, as he was not conscious at that moment to sound like one.

Shraddha's Dad: "It's ok, young man.. She informed us, that you'll come. She just came home & she's in her room. She'll come in few minutes, wait I'll call her"

Arya thought to himself, "Oh! so she has informed her parents that I'll come" (and this felt good to him)

They were having coffee when Arya visited them. So, they offered a cup of coffee to him as well.

Arya: "No.. no.. it's ok uncle. I don't drink coffee.."

"Then drink today.. come on.. Have it.. Feel free man.." replied Shraddha's father with a smiling face.

Arya: "Hmm.. thanks.."

Shraddha's Father: "Gud! Look, I forgot to know your name.. I'm Revanth, and So, what's ur name..??!"

Arya: "I'm Arya uncle.."

"Oh.. so you & Shraddha study in the same class.. ??" asked Shraddha's father & as soon as he completed Shraddha came down to hall.

And within few seconds, someone knocked the door. And it was Shraddha's friend, Shwetha. She was the one about whom Shraddha had informed to her parents, that 'One of my friend's will visit me today..'. But she didn't specify at that time, that it was a boy or a girl.

And this was the reason for the confusion for her Parents, to mistake Arya as her friend.

Shraddha saw Arya sitting on the couch, having Coffee & interacting with her parents, as she was coming down the stairs from her room.

And Shraddha's Dad, was looking at a girl standing outside the door, as Shraddha's mom Geetha opened the door. She was Shwetha. She greeted Shraddha's parents & Shraddha asked her to get in.

Shraddha: "Hey! Shwetha.. come come. Dad, Mom, She is Shwetha, my friend."

This led to a shock to both her parents & Yes! Of course.. To Arya as well. .

Shraddha's Mom pulled Shraddha aside and asked her in a low voice, "If she is your friend then, who this boy is..? Is he your friend too??!? "

Shraddha then understood about the situation, & clarified, "Oh Dad!.. Hey, sorry sorry.. My Dad thought you are my friend and that is why he invited you in.. I'm really sorry for the confusion".

As soon as she said this, Arya placed the coffee cup with some coffee left in it, on the table, slowly.

On seeing this, Shraddha said, "Hey.. hey.. Have it.. Have the coffee. No problem. Actually we are sorry for all the confusion".

After all this, everyone including Arya were left embarrassed & with a smile on their face.

Arya: "No, No.. it's ok. I just came to deliver this book, that u asked. And Uncle misunderstood that I was your friend. And I thought that You had informed your parents that I would come to give you this book.. so... "

Shraddha's Dad: "Oh! Really sorry! I should have atleast asked you first. Atleast, you should have told me know, that you are a delivery boy and not her friend."

Arya: "No, Uncle.. .. "

Even before he completed, Shraddha's Dad interrupted in between and said, " Ya Ya.. It's ok, No problem. You just feel easy, Have your coffee first."

Arya: "No Uncle, I'm not a delivery boy. So, I don't know how to speak or respond in that manner (like a delivery boy). So only I called you Uncle. My brother told me to deliver her this book that she had asked for.. So, I came.."

Shraddha's Dad: "Oh.. ok ok.. Thank you man. And eventhough this had happened accidentally, it was nice meeting you & what do you do??"

Arya: " I've just completed my diploma in Civil Engineering sir.. I came here to my brother's home for few days.."

Shraddha's Dad: "Oh.. ok then.. How much is the book??"

Arya: "It's 850 sir.."

Shraddha's Dad: "haha.. just call me uncle, as you did till now.."

Arya: "Hmm.. ok uncle.."

Shraddha's Dad: "Hmm.. then how much is for the delivery..??"

Arya: "No.. no.. it's ok. No charges for it."

Shraddha's Dad: "It's ok, just tell me how much is it..??"

"It's ok uncle.. I'll tally it out with the cup of coffee, that you offered", Arya replied on a funny note.

Shraddha's Dad: "Haha.. ok ok.. Thank you Arya.. All the best. Sorry, if we..."

Arya: "No, No uncle.. it's ok, bye.. bye aunty.. &.. bye.. (to Shraddha) "


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