Part 8: The Marvelous Monday :)

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Next morning it was a Monday morning. Everyone hates Monday & Aarya too used to hate these Mondays. But.. not today.. Bcoz, Monday means.. working days are on.. so he would get to see Shraddha & speak to her.

Today again, he went to the bus stop where Shraddha usually awaits her bus to college. Shraddha's friend was standing at the bus stop. But, Shraddha wasn't there. It was late too.

In few minutes, the bus too came. But Shraddha didn't come. This caused a bit of worry to him.

He then decided to return home.. sadly. :(


Meanwhile Shraddha got up late today. And she was hurrying here & there at home grabbing & packing her things in her bag.

Shraddha's mom: "Shraddha.. see its time.. how many times would I wake you.?? Can't you get early in the morning??"

"Mom.. today only I got late na.. why are scolding me as if I daily get late to college. " asked Shraddha while putting on her shoes.

Shraddha's Dad: "Shraddha wait.. the bus would have gone by now.. Come, I'll drop you today.."

"Hmm.. come quick dad.. soon.. soon.. soon.." said Shraddha hurriedly.

"Yes.. yes.. I'm coming wait. We won't be late. We are going on our Bike only na.. " replied her dad.

After a minute or two.. Shraddha's Dad came, with his bike keys, "Come let's go.." her dad called Shraddha.


They both were riding on bike to Ooty, to drop Shraddha at her college.
Meanwhile Aarya came opposite to them, sadly riding his bike.
Shraddha saw him coming, but he didn't see her.

Shraddha wanted him to see her somehow.

Suddenly, his dad saw him & recognised him with that funny incident that happened on that day. He then honked, his bike horn to call him.

Aarya turned to see who it was. To his surprise, it was Shraddha & her dad.
Shraddha's Dad just waved his hand, by riding the bike.

Aarya too waved his hand in reply.
Then, came the 'Moment of the day..'
Shraddha's right hand, which was placed on her thigh, as she was sitting on the rear seat, rose up a bit & waved to say 'bye-bye' to Aarya. And they went past him.

'Ufff..' this made his day. He would never hate Mondays for sure hereafter.
He just dropped the top gear, raised his accelerator & there he went round & round along the hill roads from Lovedale, to conoor, to Ooty..

It was then 3.30 in the evening. It was just about a half an hour for Shraddha's college to leave.

He went to a cafe opposite to the college, sat on a chair, facing the college gate. He had a coffee mug in his hand & eyes on the college gate & the clock alternatively.

It was 3.55 pm.. fives minutes to go. His enemy 'The nervousness' approached him. But, today he was not gonna allow it to enter him.

It was 4.00 pm.. one by one came out of the college gate in few seconds.
He braced himself.

His eyes were scanning the faces of each & every girl coming out of the gate. It was a bit difficult for him, to find her, as everyone were in uniform.

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