Part 16: "I Love You Shraddha.."

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Chennai Central Junction:

At 9.00 am:

Train has just arrived..

Arya was still sleeping at the top berth, with his earphones on..
He had slept by listening to his songs..

Arya's mom wakes him up..

Arya gets up.. actually gets down.. from his berth..

Removes his earphones from his ears, through which no music was playing..

Takes his phone out of his jeans pocket..

Phone 'Shut Down'.. (Battery dead)

A: "OH SHIT!!! .. Mom my phone's dead.."

M: "No problem Aari.. will give it back life after going to room.. Now come.. soon.. "

A: "Mom u have ur charger..?!"

M: "No Aari.. Even if I had, hw will u charge now.. come soon.. will charge it with ur Dad's charger.. For that first we need to receive him.. come.."

A: "Oh.. God!! Oh.. go go.. "


They both reach 'Chennai International Airport' in half an hour by a Cab..

In few minutes his Dad's flight too arrives..

Arya's Dad: "Hey Aari.. how r u son?!" (Hugging him)

Arya: "Great Dad.. How r u?!"

Dad: "I'm great too.. but was a bit Home sick.. but not now.. haha.."

Arya's mom: "We too just arrived here.. Thank God we reached on time.."

Arya: "Ok.. Ok.. now let's get to room quickly & then we'll talk about the rest.. come come.. Taxiii"

(Arya wanted to get to room quick & switch on his phone)


They three reach the room busy sharing a lot in the taxi..

Arya soon asked for a room & quickly went inside one..

Plugged in the charger.. connected his phone.. Switched it on..

In few seconds, the phone turned on.. to show this.. ..

'5 New messages'

He immediately opened messages one by one..

Message 1: " Why? What happened? Why won't you come?"

Message 2: "Reply me please.. Why is your phone not reachable? I even don't know whether u r receiving my msgs or not.. If yes.. then please reply me"

Message 3: "Where are you now? Have you returned to Coimbatore? But why didn't you inform me before? Why suddenly?"

Message 4: "Is everything ok there..? Why u suddenly left? Why is your phone Not reachable?"

Message 5: "And you have switched off your phone now.. Did I do anything wrong? What is the matter? Ok.. when you see this message, Call me back or atleast Text me that, 'Everything's ok there'.. I'm worried Arya.. I even don't know whether, I had done anything.. if unknowingly I had done something wrong.. I'm sorry please.. :'( :( "

(Arya on reading all those messages, felt so so bad for Shraddha.. hits himself thinking that, he should have informed her clearly despite the heartbroken situation he was in at that time..
Now because of that Shraddha's heart has been broken & she is very much worried & moreover not even knowing what has happened..)

He then immediately called Shraddha..

Shraddha picked up the phone even before the first completed..

By this Arya came to know how worried she was.. How badly she was looking for his call.. this made Arya feel even so bad for Shraddha..

Shraddha immediately after picking up the call says..

"H.. Hellow.. Arya.. where are you? What happened..? Is everything ok?! Why didn't you.. "

Arya: "I love you Shraddha" (stopping her in between)

Shraddha: "Arya..?!?"

A: "I'm sorry Shraddha.."

S: "That's ok.. but.. " (Shraddha was stun on hearing what Arya said after picking up the call)

A: "I'm in chennai.. I should have informed you clearly about this.. at that situation, I didn't know what & how to tell u.. so only.. I.. "

S: "Oh.. that's not a problem Arya.. I was just worried thinking, if something was wrong.. thank god.."

A: "I'm really sorry Shraddha.. and forget the thing that I said immediately on picking up the call.."

S: "Why..?!?"

A: "Special words, to a special person, should only be uttered in a special way.."

S: "I'm waiting Arya.."

A: "Don't worry Shraddha. .. u don't need to wait for me too long.. I'm coming for u Shraddha.. soon.. I'm coming.."


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