Part 13: "Arya's Day Out" ;-P

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Shraddha's college was just somewhat outer than the main Ooty town..

They both in few minutes reached Ooty & got down in bus stand.

Shraddha: "I feel hungry"

Arya: "You didn't eat?"

S: "No.. I told u in the text na.. that I got late.."

A: "Oohh.. ok.. then shall we go to a hotel & have something?"

S: "No.. let's just go to any Cafe shop.. I don't eat much in the morning.."

A: "Hmmm.. ok.. :)"

They both then went to a beautiful cafe shop, nearby.. It was just open, as it was just 9.00 in the morning..

They were the first customers..
After getting in..

Arya: "What do u like to have..?" forwarding the menu card to her.

Shraddha: "You order wat u wish.." pushing back the card towards him..

Arya: "Hmm.. "
Arya to waitress: "Two Twilight Dessert"

Waitress: "Hmm.. ok sir.. Just wait fr few minutes.. we've just opened.. we'll get them in few moments.."

Arya: "That's ok.. We have the whole day.. take ur time" on a funny note.

(That was one such beautiful moment he could ever ask for..
Cafe shop.. Just they both in.. Low volume music playing at the shop.. Order to be served late.. So, they could spend some more time talking)

Shraddha: "So are we gonna spend the whole day here??"

Arya: "Hah.. just said that on a funny note.."

Shraddha: "Hmm.. and why 'Twilight Dessert'?? Are they good here??"

Arya: "Haven't tried them before.. but love Twilight saga series.. so.. " ;-P

Shraddha: "Hmm.. " smiles.

They spend sometime there &..

Shraddha: "So, Where shall we go now?"

Arya: "As you order Ma'am. And also, I don't know too many places here.."

Shraddha: "Hmm.. ok.. Then we may go to Botanical garden. We may talk peacefully there.. "

Arya: "Hmm.. ok.. "


Botanical Garden, Ooty:

After walking around & watching flowers & plants, they settle down inside this beautiful spot..

Arya was hoping for Shraddha to say something, like what she feels for him

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Arya was hoping for Shraddha to say something, like what she feels for him..
So, he decided to remind her, that he'll be gone to his place by tomorrow..

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