Goblin Tinkerer

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            Goblin Tinkerer Quotes

Goblins are very easy to anger. In fact, they'd start a war over cloth!"
"I just finished my newest creation! This version doesn't explode violently if you breathe on it too hard."
"Hey... what's [Mechanic Name] up to? Have you... have you talked to r, by chance?"
"I tried to visit [Stylist Name] once. She just looked at me and said 'nope'."
"To be honest, most goblins aren't exactly rocket scientists. Well, some are."
"Do you know why we all carry around these spiked balls? Because I don't."
"Goblin Thieves aren't very good at their job. They can't even steal from an unlocked chest!"
"Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver."
"Thank you for freeing me, human. I was tied up and left here by the other goblins. You could say that we didn't get along very well."
"I thought you'd be taller."
"Looking for a gadgets expert? I'm your goblin!"
"Now that I'm an outcast, can I throw away the spiked balls? My pockets hurt."
"Yo, I heard you like rockets and running boots, so I put some rockets in your running boots."
"YES, gold is stronger than iron. What are they teaching these humans nowadays?"
"Hey, does your hat need a motor? I think I have a motor that would fit exactly in that hat."
"Thanks for your help. Now, I have to finish pacing around aimlessly here. I'm sure we'll meet again."
"I can't believe they tied me up and left me here just for pointing out that they weren't going east!"
"You know, that mining helmet-flipper combination was a much better idea on paper."

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