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                    Wizard Quotes

"Thanks for saving me, friend! This bondage was starting to cafe."
"Ohh, my hero!"
"Now that we know each other, I can move in with you, right?"
"Oh, how heroic! Thank you for saving me, young (Depends on players gender; man/lady)!"
"I can see your future now... You will buy a lot of items from me!"
"Well, hi there, (random NPC name with the same gender as the player)! What can I do for you today?"
"Want me to pull a coin from behind your ear? No? Ok."
"Do you want some magic candy? No? Ok."
"I make a rather enchanting hot chocolate if you'd be inter... No? Ok."
"Ever wanted an enchanted ring that turns rocks into slimes? Well neither did I."
"I once tried to bring an Angel Statue to life. It didn't do anything."
"Are you here for a peek at my crystal ball?"
"Someone once told me friendship is magic. That's ridiculous. You can't turn people into frogs with friendship."

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