The Day the Truth Spilled Out

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Fox sighs as he locks and unlocks his phone the next morning, debating weather or not he should call Wolf. Soon Krystal walks in, stopping him. "Morning Fox, whatcha doin?"

"Hey Krystal...I don't know...but can I tell you something important? I need you to keep it secret..."

"Of corse Fox," she sets beside him, "let me be your listening ear."

Fox freezes up slightly and sighs, "That's what he said..."

"Huh? Who?" Krystal asks with her head tilted.

"Wolf..." he slightly hesitates to answer.

"Him?" She growls lowly, "What about him?"

"He saw me last night..He was concerned, those were the exact words he said to me..." he grabs her paws and looks into her eyes, "You cannot tell anyone what I'm about to tell you...promise?"

Krystal nods and stares back into his eyes, "You have my word."

"Krystal...I love him...No matter how much I try to deny it I love him...Every time we battle it tears at my heart...I hate having to blast him...You must think I'm crazy, don't you...?"

"I should've known..." Krystal sighs, "I always wondered why you gave him mercy every time you two fought." She then gently lays her paw on his, "However, I don't think you're crazy. You're just following your heart."

Fox slowly hugs his legs and lays his head on his knees, "I-I can't though...How would Slippy react? How would Falco feel? What would Peppy do if he saw me and him together?..."

"Listen Fox, Slippy would be shocked yes, but Falco might be happy. You do know I'm the only person who knows you like guys, correct?" She answers while patting his shoulder. "On top of that, your father was the leader of this team and he gave you that title when he...passed away. Peppy doesn't have the power or authority to remove you from this squadron." Krystal slowly sits on the floor in front of him and looks unto his eyes. "And Fox...I'll always accept matter who you love."

"Thank you Krystal," Fox hugs her tightly.

She hugs back and rubs her companion's back, "No need for thanks, I will always love you, remember that."

Fox nods and rubs his eyes, "I will, I promise."

Krystal sits beside him on the bed once more and pats his back, "Now go ahead and do it."

Fox turns to her with a tilted head, "Go ahead and do what?"

"Call him silly!" she gently slugs him in the arm, "I know you were trying to call someone."

He stares at his phone, "Are you sure its a good idea..?"

"Yes, now call him!" she bounces slightly on the bed.

"B-but I...I..." Fox trembles with his phone in paw.

Krystal sighs and rolls her eyes, "Do you want me to make the call?"

He slowly nods and hands the phone to the blue fox, she takes it and puts Wolf on speaker phone when she calls. "Hey McCloud, what's up?" Wolf answers, his voice sounded kinda happy, that seemed a bit strange...

"Actually this is Krystal," she answers.

"Why do you have Fox's phone?" his tone suddenly changed to a confused sounding voice.

Krystal shakes her head, "Never mind that,  I need you to meet me up at the same restaurant you saw Fox at last night. Be there at the same time you went there."

Wolf still sounds confused, yet happy at the same time and replies, "Uh...okay sure, I'll see you then I guess..." He hangs up the phone.

She hands back the phone and waves her paws back and forth excitedly, "Did you hear how happy he was?"

"Yeah," Fox blushes and smiles at the ground.

Krystal giggles a bit, "You two will be the cutest couple."

"N-no we won't!" Fox blushes deeply and snarls in embarrassment.

"Now now," she waves a finger at him, "Don't deny it, you know its the truth." Fox lets out a grunt but doesn't say anything. "That's more like it, now lets get you ready for your date," Krystal smiles and drags him to the bathroom.

"But can't I just wear what I always wear?" he follows her.

"No, you need to look cute, don't worry. I'll pick out your outfit while you get in the shower. After that I'll go home and get ready myself. Be ready around 4:30," Krystal gently shoves him into the bathroom and closes the door behind him.

"Alright, see you later," he strips down and turns on the shower. all this real? Are you really happy to hear from me? Am I really about to go on a date with you? If all this is true...Im glad...~ Fox looks down and blushes, realising his shower might take longer than he expected. However, was that really a bad thing? I guess he's lucky Krystal already left. Its like Wolf's famous line, "We're gonna have fun with this thing!"

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