Chapter 2: Anything is Possible

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'Cause love can fix a busted heart like mine
Put it back together every single time
Turn my mess to a miracle
Anything is possible

Cristina's POV:

I got up early to help Meredith with the kids before we left to go to the hospital. I was feeling really anxious for today. I wasn't sure about how I would feel when I saw Owen and I was afraid something would go wrong during the surgery.

Once I got to the hospital, Arizona came up to me.

Arizona: Yang, you're back!

Me: Only for a little bit.

Arizona: Well it's great to see you again.

Once I see Arizona, I go to see the patient that I will be operating on. Alex is already there with a new intern who will be helping me perform the surgery.

Alex: Dr. Miller. Please present.

Ashley: Irina Taylor, 9 months old. Here for a 3D printed heart transplant.

Nicole: I heard this will be the first 3D printed heart transplant. I'm really scared for my baby. I'm a single mom and I don't want to lose her. She's all I have.

Me: Yes this will be the first time this procedure will ever be performed, so there are risks. There's a chance she could die or reject the heart, but I am fairly confident that everything will be alright.

Alex: I've known Dr. Yang for awhile, and let me tell you, she's the best in her field.

Nicole: Thanks. That's very comforting.

Me: Dr. Miller, please go prep Irina for surgery.

Alex and I have leave the room and we go to the attendings lounge to get some coffee. In the lounge was April, Jackson, Miranda, and Richard. I visited with them for a little bit and then I went to the lab to practice for the surgery. As I was practicing Owen comes in.

Owen: I heard you were coming back to perform a surgery.

I give him a hug. I had really missed his warm hugs.

Owen: 3D printed heart transplant right?

Me: Yep.

Owen: I just knew you would be able to do it. You better win a Harper Avery award for this.

Me: I hope so. Maybe Jackson will put in a good word for me.

Owen: He better.

We talk for awhile, but then his pager goes off.

Owen: Looks like I have to go. Hey by any chance you want to come over tomorrow night for dinner?

I wasn't sure if I should or not. I mean I still have feelings for him and if Amelia's there, it might be awkward. Then again, if I say no, then Owen might be upset.

Me: Um sure.

Owen: Cool, I'll see you tomorrow night.

I practice for a little bit longer until I get paged that the patient was all prepped and ready to go. I then went to get scrubbed in. There were tons of people in the gallery to watch me which made me very nervous. There was no way I could screw up, but I saw Owen up there and he gave me the thumbs up which comforted me.

Alex: You ready.

Me: Yes. Scalpel

The nurse gives me a scalpel and I make an incision.


A few hours later we were ready to take Irina off bypass and see if the 3D printed heart would beat on its own. It was the moment of truth to see if all my hard work would pay off. We take the patient off of bypass and wait.

Me: Come on heart.

Finally after a few seconds, it's starts to beat on its own. Everyome starts to applause. In that moment I felt so proud of myself.

Me: Alex, do you mind closing.

Alex: Of course not.

I leave the OR and go give Meredith a hug.

Meredith: You did it!

I smile.

Me: That was the greatest thing ever. I still have to closely monitor her for the next 24 hours though to make sure she doesn't reject the heart.

Meredith: She is definitely not going to reject it.

Me: You know what we need to go do.

Meredith: What?

Me: We need to dance it out.

We run to an on call room, put some music on, and dance. I felt like I accomplished the impossible today and I got to celebrate it with my best friend. I felt like I was on cloud nine.

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