Chapter 10: Home

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I'm going home
Back to the place where I belong
And where your love has always been enough for me

Meredith's POV:

I open the door...

Meredith: Cristina what are you doing here?

I look down and I see her holding a baby. I was confused.

Meredith: Why do you have a baby? Did you decide to kidnap a baby?

Cristina: No I didn't. It's mine.

The Cristina I knew would never have a child.

Meredith: What?

Cristina: This is mine and Owen's child.

Meredith: You were never pregnant and Owen's married.

Cristina: It's a long story.

Meredith: Well come in. Let's talk.

Cristina comes in and sits down. I sit down next to her and hold her baby.

Meredith: Okay, so tell me everything.

Cristina: Well when I was last in Seattle, Owen invited me over for dinner and we got drunk.

Meredith: Amelia wasn't there?

Cristina: No she had an emergency surgery. Anyways a couple weeks later, when I was back in Zurich, I started getting sick, and I was late. I thought I was pregnant so I took a bunch of pregnancy tests and they all came out negative.

Meredith: Well when I last saw you, I thought you had gained wait.

Cristina: Yeah. I was pregnant and I didn't know it. Not until a couple days ago when I went into labor and had a child at my house in Zurich.

Meredith: This is insane.

Cristina: Well after I had the child I was looking at adoption agencies until I looked down at her eyes and I saw her beautiful blue eyes.

Meredith: Just like Owen.

Cristina: Yep. I knew in that moment that I was meant to be her mom. So then I called the hospital and I resigned as chief, and I booked a plane ticket to come here because I figured she should at least grow up with her dad too, even if were not together.

Meredith: So how are you going to tell Owen?

Cristina: I'm gonna go to the hospital tomorrow and just tell him.

Meredith: Well I'm here for you.

Cristina: Thanks.

Meredith: So what's her name?

Cristina: Harper Meredith Yang-Hunt.

Meredith: Awe that's beautiful I love it.

Cristina: One more thing. Can I stay here until I can find a home?

Meredith: Of course. Your my person.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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