Chapter 7: Bring Me to Life

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Wake me up inside
Wake me up inside
Call my name and save me from the dark
Bid my blood to run
Before I come undone
Save me from the nothing I've become

Cristina's POV

I got back from Boston and I was on a high, but after about a week I started experiencing a low. Everyday I would go to work and have reporters asking me all these questions on my new and proclaimed Yang method, but I was getting tired of that. On top of that, everyone that needed a heart transplant was coming to me asking for a 3D printed heart. I'm only one person, and not that I'm proud of what I did, I just want to try something else. I just want the attention to die so I can get back to more research, but the way that it's going, it's probably not going to happen anytime soon.

Not only that, but I have gained weight and I have no idea why. I guess I've been eating pretty unhealthy, so I've been exercising like crazy just to get this weight down, but I've been so extremely tired that's it's been hard. I guess probably stressed out.


I got to the hospital and a girl comes up to me.

Harlee: Hello I'm Harlee. I'm such a huge fan of yours!!!

Okay this girl must be super obsessed.

Harlee: I hope I'm not bugging you but I'm a new intern here. I'm so excited that I get to study under you. The Yang Method is absolutely incredible, and I'm sorry that I keep talking, it's just I hope to be able to learn from you, and to maybe one day be as good as you.

I barely heard what she said, I was too distracted by Shane and his wife. He got married a couple of years ago. He looks so happy. I thought I would be happy after I one the Harper Avery Award. I mean I was, but now I feel empty.

Cristina: Thank you.

I walk away from Harlee and go to my office. I sit down and stair at a photo of Owen and I. Tears start to stream down my face. I'd thought I'd feel complete, but I'm not. I want Owen. I want a successful career and Owen. I want both but I can't. I want to feel complete but I'm not because I can't have both. I take the photo and throw it at the wall. It shatters. I want to feel satisfied, but I'll never be.

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