Chapter 8: This Isn't the End

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This isn't the end
It's a chance to start again
When the smoke clears, you'll be home
This isn't the end
It's a war you're gonna win
Out of the fire, a new life begins
This isn't the end

Cristina's POV:

It had been a month since the Harper Avery Awards, and I am finally getting a little time off to relax. Ever since I've been in Switzerland, I've never had a time to actually go sightseeing. This might just be the perfect week to do so, but as I was packing, I started getting these really bad cramps. I thought maybe my period was coming but it just kept getting worse and worse.

About an hour later, it was still really bad. I was starting to get scared. I was laying on the bathroom floor crying out in pain. I couldn't get up to go to the hospital because the pain was too bad. I couldn't even get up to grab my phone. It felt like my insides were tearing apart and I was going to die here on the bathroom floor all alone. I never wanted to die alone but I guess this is it. Maybe it would be better just to die because this pain is unbearable.

Next thing you know I felt blood pouring out of me. There was blood  all over the floor. Then I felt something else and it wasn't blood. It felt hard. I grabbed a mirror and looked down and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a head. I was terrified. I was having a baby. I was pregnant for the past nine months and I had no idea.

An hour later.

After extremely terrible pain, the baby finally came out. I grabbed the baby and I realized it was a girl. I took towels and started to clean her off. I didn't want to go to the hospital because people would've found out what happened. I was afraid because what the heck was I going to do with her. Should I give her up for adoption, but then Owen would be mad at me. Then again would Owen ever have to know? He's married and for all I know, his wife could be pregnant. I had to give this baby up for adoption. There was no way I could keep it and let it ruin my career and reputation.


Later that night I was looking at good adoption agencies while holding my baby. I looked down at her eyes. She had the most beautiful blue eyes just like Owen. I stared into her eyes and at that moment I felt complete. For the past month, I felt empty like I wasn't finished yet. I thought I was done after the Harper Avery, but now I feel right. Maybe this isn't the end. So instead of finding good adoption agencies, I booked a flight to Seattle and I called the hospital and resigned as chief. I was going back to Seattle to complete my life and it felt great.

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