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"Ok I'll ask Jack if I can go." I tell Anastasia.

"Omfg Why do you always have to ask Jack for permission, Your a grown women already." She groaned.

Jack heard her and toke the phone out of my hand.

"Um, Probably because she's Fucking loyal to ME!" He growled through the phone to her.

"And no she can't go to that Dumbass party." And with that he hung up.

He handed my phone back to me " You didn't have to do that Jack she was just asking, why can't I go?"

His 6'1 hovered over my 5'3 body.

"First of all its none of her business, and second, Cuz I said SO." He snapped.

I frown "I'm sorry, I just asking." I softly say. I run to the room which me and Jack share.

A couple minutes later I heard knocks on the door.

I just ignore it, "Cm'on Alexa open the door" He sighed "please."

I open the door and let him in.

"I'm sorry babygirl." He came closer to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"It's just I don't like your friends that much." Wow what an asswhole.

"And why is that?" I Sassed.

"Cuz they are noisey and a bad influence, the smoke and drink...and they kinda are hoes."

I scoffed, "Uh I thought you came to apologize to me not talk shit about my friends." I spat

"You know what, I'm done you can sleep alone. Like the other nights."

Then I went to the closet, I toke out a blank it and got comfortable in the guest room bed.

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