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5 years later..


I strip out of my pajamas and enter the shower, after my shower I put on a tight fitted dress and do my hair and makeup (picture at the top).

So today I have a meeting with a business man, so I have to make a good impression. Which I think I do.

I got in the car and started driving my building and yes my building because I am the boss of the whole business,And I am a wealthy woman.

I walk in my office as I sat down I heard soft knocks on the door.

"Come in" I see my assistant Sarah step in the room.

"Goodmorning Ms.William, Nice to see you today would you like coffee?" She hold up the coffee tray.

"No thank you Sarah, Sarah do happen to know when the meeting is I'm have been so busy I forgot."

"It's at 10:45 Ms.William"

"Thank you" She smiled and left.

I sorted some papers and cleaned my desk alittle to make it look presentable.

I look at my watch it was 10:43 which means the people should be here soon. I toke the elevator to the lobby, I made it just in time

"Hello Ms.William Nice to meet you I'm David." The older man shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you too, David." I smiled at him.

"So shall we go discuss our business in my office?" I walked David to  my office room

We entered the room, I sat down in my chair. "Please take a seat"

He sat down, "So shall we start?" I ask try to get this over with.

"Actually Ms.William, I'm waiting for my son he is my assistant" as he was talking his phone starts to ring "Sorry got to take this" I nod my head he stood up from his chair and answered the call. He started to say to the person on the phone to come to the room, which I'm guessing was his son.

"I'm so sorry, my son can be not focus sometimes." He sighed.

There was a knock, David opened the door.

I still kept my eyes on the papers, "Ms.William I would like you to meet my son" I stood up to shake his hand, my eyes looked up and saw the person I never wanted to see. " his name is Jack Gilinsky."

Me and Jack made eye contact he slightly smirked at me. I cleared my throat.

"So let's get to business." I said trying to play it cool.

As I was talking to David I could see Jack staring at me and my chest because of all the cleavage I'm showing.

Great.This meeting is going great.

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