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The elevator doors were still open I just stood there waiting for them to close, person yelled wait I look to see who it was, It was Jack. I immediately press the 'close' button so the doors can close. Jack ran to catch the elevator the doors were about to fully close just when his foot was in between the two doors so it wont close. dam it . He enter the elevator I was just quiet because I want to start a conversation, at least not with him. Jack cleared his throat "well nice to see you to Alexa." I just ignored him "So are we just going to pretend we don't now each other" I huffed still ignoring him "Helloooooo, earth to Alexa." I swear if he talks to me one last time I'm going to snap.


"What! Gosh what do you want!" I yelled

"I just wanted to say hello jeez but may I ask, when did you get hotter?" He bit his bottom lip.

"Shut up, why don't you just leave and go with that other bitch."

He sighed "I'm not with her anymore."

"So, I was wondering if you wanna come and have lunch with me and we can catch up on each other?" Jack asked shyly

"I'm sorry but I cant" Jack looked at me confused "I already have lunch planned with my boyfriend" I stated.

He choked at the last part of my sentence.

"Your Boyfriend?"

I nod my head "But you can't" I raise my eyebrow at him "And why not,hm?" I ask curiously.

"Cause your mine, Alexa and always will." I giggled at his words.

"Sureeee, keep telling yourself that but of you want to join me at lunch your more than welcome to." As I finished my sentence the elevator doors opened and I just work out leaving Jack behind.

I'm so so so sorry is that this update is short,also this whole week I went on vacation and I didn't have my phone sorry ok ily😌

Again//J.G. Where stories live. Discover now