Internationals Rehearsal Part 2

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Noah's POV:

I enter the rehearsal room and see the other dancers warming up. It's really changed the walls are all painted neatly. The mirrors are amazing. We have new ballet bars and even a Dancers lounge for after rehearsal. A boy with dark brown hair walks over to me.

"Hey nice to meet you, dude, I'm Sam." He says.

"Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Noah," I reply.

We shake hands. I meet the other dancers they all seem really friendly. Suddenly Riley walks in. 

"Hi, guys thanks for coming." She says nervously. "We need to start learning routines. So um... Let's get started?"

She puts is in a formation three rows. I'm happy to see that I'm in the front. 

"Ok. Guys." She says trying to get our attention. We all look at her. "This is our semi-finals routine as the only routine we know is going to happen is a group semi-finals routine so far."

We learned the choreography it's pretty difficult but it has to be if we are going to defend our title. After rehearsing it a couple times. I quite like it's. It's a hip-hop flash routine called Dynamite. Probably because it's going to be dynamite on stage.

After we finish rehearsals. We just hang out in the dancer's lounge. I'm so excited for Internationals. 

Authors Note:

Hey, guys I'm so sorry for not uploading in ages. I have had a very busy summer holidays. I don't want to go back to school. Next week I'm going on holiday. So I'll try to upload as much as possible. I hope you understand.

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