The Darkness Part 1

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Richelle's POV:

I wake up from the light shining through the windows. I quickly grab my phone and check the time it is 9:30am. I would like to go back to bed but the morning sickness is unbearable today. Also, I have a headache. I go to the bathroom to get some aspirin. I open the white cupboard gently. I sigh when I see it's all gone from the last bad morning sickness day I had. I quickly get dressed into some comfortable jeans and a light grey sweatshirt.

I slowly make my way down the stairs. I go to the kitchen and start to cook some pancakes. I sprinkle on some blueberries to make it a bit healthier. The I take the pancakes to the living room and start to eat whilst watching Friends. When I'm finished eating breakfast. I wash up and go to the store to buy some aspirin.

I rush home carefully but still quickly. I dash inside and I sigh in delight when the aspirin starts to work. I panic when I hear footsteps behind me however before I can turn around to see the person. I'm hit in the head with a baton. I gasp in pain.

Suddenly it all goes black all I hear is an evil female giggle.

Abi's POV:

I smirk in delight that my plan to get revenge on Richelle worked. I kick her in the head for extra enjoyment. I've been working up this plan since  I got the part for Noah's television show. I but the baton back in my bag. I drag her to my car. This bitch is definitely fat must be the triplets or her weight probably most likely her weight. I put handcuffs on her wrists which I stole from a police officer a couple weeks ago. 

I smile as I drive off in my van with Richelle unconscious in the back. Noah is in for a shock. You can't deny I'm special. 

Noah's POV:

I get home from rehearsal. Strangely I can't find her. I start to get worried. The only place I haven't looked is the downstairs bathroom. I knock and wait for about a minute or two. My heart is pounding about a hundred beats a second. 

Eventually after waiting for about for about five minutes. I open the door slowly. I gasp when I see blood on the sink and a opened bottle of aspirin on the floor with a couple of the aspirin tablets scattered on the floor. I see a white envelope on top of the bathroom cabinet. I quickly grab it and gasp when I see in a neat handwriting. 'For Noah.' My fingers tremble as I forcefully open the envelope and see a white piece of paper inside. I turn it over and gasp when I see who it's from. It's from Abi.

Authors Note:

Hey, guys, I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. The Internationals rehearsal chapters happen on the same day as this. I will try to upload asap. I tried to make this chapter longer than my others. Please feel free. To comment ideas for the next parts of this chapter collection. Also, the full letter will be in the next chapter if your interested. 

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