The Kidnapping

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     I wake up to my alarm going off and I jump out of bed,run to my closet  pick out my clothes and jump in the shower. The concert does not start until 6 so I have time because it is only noon. I get  put of the shower and blow dry my hair. Put all of my eyeliner on and the rest of my make up. When I look at the clock it is 4 so I go to get dressed and make my hair presentable. By the time I'm done with that it is 5:30 so I leave. (I walk to the venue because it is like right across the street from my house  and my parents trust me a lot) I go in a see the show is about to start so I got to my front row seat and they start the show. The opening act is fallout boy and Patrick keeps looking at Pete then at me but I just brush it off. Now it is time for panic to come out .first walks on Dan then dallon then Kenny the finally Brendon walk out and stares directly at me I blush when he winks at me.

   After the show is over I look at all the people who stayed but I'm the only one every one must have gone before the show to you their passes. I decided to go find a person that could take me back stage. I finally find a worker and he takes me back stage not saying a word. I just brush that creepy feeling off and decide that every thing was okay.

            First u see Dan,Dallon, and Kenny, and they are the nicest people you could ever image them being.Then Brendon walks up hind you and spins you around you are shocked. He laughs at your shocked face. You hang with them for about 1 hour then you have to leave. 

   You leave. And it is about 9pm . You fell like some one is following you. But you brush it off. Just then a rag is put up to your mouth and nose. You know it is a sleeping try not to breathe but the pe holding the rag to your face says "it will all be better when you take a deep breath in " you are forced to breath in and inhale all of the fumes the person wanted you to and you pass out. 


I'm sorry for the cliff hanger I'll try to update as most as possible.

Kidnapped By Panic! at the DiscoWhere stories live. Discover now