When I Wake Up

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All around me was black and i could not open my eyes. Next thing i know im being carried into a bulding i think and i feel a pulling sensation around my torso. I can finally feel my body and i decide to open my eyes.

I open my eyes and see that im in what looks like to be a van but im not quite sure that is what im in,and im tied to a chair but there is no one in the room with me, and nothing is covering my mouth. I scream as loud as possible. Eight people come running into the room with masks over their faces.

One of them says to the rest of the men standing there " remove your masks guys". They all do as they were told, the one man that told them to remove the masks said to Bella " if you listen to me you will not get hurt." all she did was nod. {she was looking down the whole time and did not see who was standing there}

When she looked up she saw infront of her ,Panic at the disco , and Fall Out Boy all she could do was stare. Then Brendon came up to bella and said "you are mine forever" all she did was cry that was all she was capable of.

I will be updating as much as possible. thank you for reading.

Kidnapped By Panic! at the DiscoWhere stories live. Discover now