13; a r t i c l e

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E!News  01.25.16


Everyone is aware of the flirtatious relationship between actors Sebastian Stan and Aramia Zuniga. In fact, they have their very own ship name-- Arbastian. Cute, right? Ever since the 26-year old actress was confirmed for the upcoming Captain America: Civil War, Stan was quick to swoop in with a couple of comments here and there on her Instagram, officially starting their friendship online. I mean, isn't that what most fans do to their celebrity crush? 

That's right, Stan has even joked in a couple of interviews beforehand that Mia herself has been his ultimate celebrity crush since forever! Since that blessed day where they officially met back in July of 2015, the two have been extremely flirtatious with each other both on and offline. "They're practically attached by the hip to each other when we're on set. The only time they separate from each other is when they have to film separate scenes. And even then, they can't keep their eyes off one another. It's crazy!" a private source had informed us.

Another source even went on to say, "They have this easy-going yet playfully competitive friendship with one another. She's an amazing soccer player, and he's never one to back down from a challenge, so you can imagine all of their crazy antics on set. On top of that, we have Mackie, Renner, and Evans who all not only tease the two, but also join in on their pranks. It's like having hyper kids on a sugar-ruse running around on set."

Seems like a lot of fun! Speaking of fun, let's talk about Arbastian's first date which occurred earlier this month. Sebastian rose to fame due to many roles in the early 2000's, however a very prominent role of his was on the CW's hit series, Gossip Girl. He played the sly and sexy Upper East Sider, Carter Baizen. Now's it's been nearly four years since the show ended, but of course, don't think of it as a sad occasion. Think of it as a fun one since the Gossip Girl cast had a reunion party-- the very same party Stan took Zuniga to as his date. The party resulted in new friendships, lots of drunken photos, and a happier and closer Arbastian-- if that was even possible!

Ever since that blessed date, both Stan and Zuniga have gone on multiple dates together, ranging from ferry boat rides to quick sushi runs to clubbing until the late hours of the a.m... you name it! 

So why are we writing this article? What is there that's so alarming about Arbastian?

Well... they may have been going on lots of dates together, but that still doesn't mean they're officially boyfriend and girlfriend! It's been nearly five months since they've met, don't you think now would've been an ideal time for them to officially get together?

Well, since they're not officially together, I guess it shouldn't matter that we caught pictures of Stan getting very cozy with his longtime ex-girlfriend, Leighton Meester. Check them out!

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Not to be quick to jump to assumptions but is the beloved ship of Arbastian over? It looks to me like it is! Unless Stan is a two-timer. Which, again, it seems he is. These pictures were captured at a basketball game last night, however just three days ago, Stan and Zuniga were on a date in New York City...

All we can say is yikes! We hope this clears up soon, so we can know who the reigning couple will be. Will it be Arbastian or will it be Leighnastian? Forget the new installment to the Captain America series, we seem to have our very own civil war going on here. Let us know which team you're on in the comments!

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n// so yeah, this is just the beginning of the drama !! all i can say is don't expect some happiness from arbastian for a little while. also no hate towards leighton or anything, i love her to pieces pls, i just need this to happen for the story to progress. ooh also, i suck at writing articles in case u haven't noticed. i definitely made this article waaay longer than it was supposed to be, all for the sake of fitting in a ton of drama into it yikes. but again huge thanks to everyone who's voting and reading ! it means so much. also idk maybe i'll do a question for each chapter just to know u guys better? so just comment ur replies right next to the question. so here it is;

q; what do u expect to happen later on in the story (hint hint, it's not ur typical fanfic so u can be as crazy and as far-fetched as u want!)

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