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"mia?" chris breathed out, alarmed and relieved to receive a call from her.

"chris? i-i.. i don't know what i did wrong." she sniffled to herself. she had been crying for almost four hours now, and was nowhere near done. she noticed herself in the mirror, and cringed at her appearance; her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, her hair was a tangled mess due to her hand constantly running through it. her face was red and blotchy from the constant tears trailing down her cheeks. her appearance wasn't even the worst part-- it was her heart that was in agony.

"mia, listen to me. it was not your fault, alright? i don't know what's going on with that asshole but he obviously made the wrong choice. you deserve much much better, but first, i need you to say it with me. it was not your fault. say it."

he could hear another sob from her end. "chris... it is my fault. we were doing so well and having a great time, bu-but i ruined it. i--" another sob. "i made him unhappy."

chris could feel his heart break in two hearing her in so much pain. he had to screw his eyes shut so he wouldn't start tearing up. "mia, baby... please." he mumbled so softly, he was sure she didn't even hear it.

mia just continued to clutch her phone as the tears wouldn't stop streaming down her face. "it's not even supposed to be a big deal. it was only a few months, but i swear, chris... i thought he was it for me."

at that, more sobs followed. mia was in pure agony.

it took everything chris had in him to stop himself from personally driving over to sebastian's apartment, and beating some sense into him. so, he hoped the next few words would bring the solace mia so desperately needed.

"mia? listen to me. i'm coming over, alright? you shouldn't suffer through this on your own. and i'll bring some bourbon with me. lots of it. because alcohol will definitely help soothe some of the pain. just please, don't do anything stupid until i get there."

mia felt her lips lift up into a tiny smile. she silently thanked god for having chris in her life. "o-okay. thank you so much, chris."

"anything for you, zuniga."


n// oooh idk what you guys are gonna say about the next few chapters.. you may hate me, but it'll help the story progress, i promise you.

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