27; g r o u p - c h a t

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tommy boy;
hey, how's mia holding up rn
i would have stayed at the hospital but i had to run back to the hotel n shower n stuff
i'm coming back later tonight though

yeah, same here
but tbh from when i saw her last, she wasn't looking too well

crocodile dundee;
she woke up, didn't she?

yeah, but that doesn't mean she's okay
like she was just empty

o captain my captain;
well honestly what did you expect
she's been through a lot

scar face;
my poor baby mia :(
how are you holding up, chris?
i don't expect this to be any less painful for you

o captain my captain;
it's rly hard to watch, but i'm dealing
i just feel like a shit friend bc i haven't gone to visit her since she woke up

the other olsen;
wait, what
chris, she needs us
but she needs you the most
you're her rock

o captain my captain;
i can't bear to see it, liz
it was heartbreaking enough to endure this when we were in high school
but i can't go through this again
it's too much

marky mark;
chris, if it's too much for you, imagine how it is for her
she needs you
and i know she isn't talking at all and she's void of emotion
but imagine how much worse that'll get when she realizes you won't be there by her side

old man robert;
shit, i'm supposed to be the one with the philosophical advice, ruffalo

marky mark;
bite me

robin hood;
chill out, you old geezers

oh, you're in for it now, renner

o captain my captain;
i think i'll go visit her right now
thanks, guys

can someone pick me up from the airport please
if you have time ofc, i wouldn't want you to go out of your way for me
i'm completely fine taking a taxi though
or an uber

robin hood;
literally where the fuck have you been

i've been filming for thor3
you know this, renner

this guy

the other olsen;
aw tom, you're so cute

robin hood;


crocodile dundee;
i'll explain it to you when i pick you up

old man robert;
seriously what tf is this group chat

chaddy daddy;
this is the reason why i always have this chat muted

o captain my captain;
your highness

chaddy daddy;


n// literally it's midnight and idek what this chapter was lmao. well things are gonna be kinda slow progression-wise bc well it's a bit depressing. also i'm rly sorry about zayning on u guys & not updating in like two weeks, i have a ton of shit going on @ school lmaoo. ooh on a positive note tho, i have everything ready for my bucky fic except for a dAMN COVER. literally the person i requested it from said "fast delivery!!1!" & it's been nearly a month :( so yeah if u guys could make a rly cool cover/know anyone that could pls let me know bc then i can FINALLY post the bucky fic which is so good & i've worked so hard on so yeah !! also this is totally random but there's a loyal reader of mine [@r0bbers] and i just wanted to say i LOVE ur seb fanfics lmaoo, but also thanks for being a loyal reader since the start ily !!!

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