25; r e a l - l i f e

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THEY ALL STOOD sadly, surrounding mia's unconscious form. sebastian's hands were interlocked with hers as he looked down at her soft features, quietly observing them. chris looked at the two, a lingering feeling of jealousy making its way into his heart, however he ignored it by thinking of mia's well-being.

anthony stood off to the side, leaning against the beige wall with his arms crossed, a thoughtful look across his face as he wondered how to proceed. roccio stood close by her best friend, her fingers subconsciously fiddling with each other, as she continued to worry for mia. 

though mia was close to the whole marvel cast, the ones currently in the room with her were her closest friends. they were there to make up for her sad excuse of a family, what with an abusive dad, a dead mom, and an older, estranged brother. and they all stood there, contemplating the doctor's words from earlier.

3 weeks. 21 days. 504 hours.

and mia hadn't woken up.

everyone who cared for her was worried, but still hopeful that she would wake up. she had to. but earlier today, the doctor had privately spoken to chris to consider the options. usually, patients in conditions like hers rarely ever woke up. "they would survive, but they would never live." he put it.

and those words stuck with chris unlike anything else he had ever heard. being mia's designated patient advocate, he was the one entrusted with the decisions, should she be unable to make those decisions for herself. he never thought it would come to this.

so chris stared at his other half as he contemplated what to do. he had shared this information earlier with the other three, yet no one had stated their opinion on the matter, all of them still processing the choices and the effects. as much as chris hated to admit it (the thought alone brought tears to his eyes), he didn't want to see his best friend suffer any longer. he was leaning towards pulling the plug.

and he wasn't the only one.

"i... i think i'm gonna listen to dr. khan." chris spoke up. immediately all eyes turned to him, a mix of reactions coming from the other three. "i can't see her suffer like this anymore-- it's not right."

sebastian was the most taken-aback by this decision. "chris-- no! no, this isn't right. mia's strong, she'll wake up. please, give her more time."

"it's been three weeks, sebastian." anthony spoke up. "you heard what the doctor said; it's very rare for patients to wake up from a coma like this."

sebastian growled in response, not liking that anthony was siding with the wrong decision. before he could respond, he was interrupted by roccio's soft voice. "you have got to be fucking with me. chris, this is mia we're talking about! she will pull through."

sebastian exhaled softly, happy with the fact that roccio was siding with him. however, he knew it wouldn't mean much, as the decision was solely up to chris. sebastian wasn't going to give up so easily, however.

"ro, i hear you. and believe me, i'm going to be devastated without my best friend. but she's suffering. and even if she does wake up, then what? she won't be the same person! god knows what she went through during that week she was missing. she'll be traumatized, she'll need to go to therapy, she'll never be the same again, ro. i don't want that for her. i just want her to move on while she still can."

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